


美式发音: [hum] 英式发音: [huːm]





1.(与 who 同义,作为动词或介词的宾语)谁,什么人used instead of ‘who’ as the object of a verb or preposition

Whom did they invite?他们邀请谁了?

To whom should I write?我应该把信写给谁?

The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply.你在评论中批评的那位作者已经回信答复了。

Her mother, in whom she confided, said she would support her unconditionally.她向母亲坦露心扉,母亲说将无条件地支持她。

pron.1.who 的宾格

pron.1网站屏蔽ed for asking or stating which person is affected by an action or is involved in something2网站屏蔽ed for inpoducing information that shows which person you are talking about, or for adding more information about a specific person

1.谁 who 人 whom 人 whose 人 / 物 ...

3.为谁做 whether conj. 是否 whom pron. 谁;哪个人 wide adj. 宽的 ...

5.对谁说 怎么说_ ___how 对谁说_ ___whom 在哪说_ ___where ...

6.是宾补 ed 分词作宾补 (Whom 是宾补) He pkes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。 ...



1.If you deal only with the project files themselves, it is up to you to keep pack of what changes were done when, and by whom.如果只处理项目文件本身,那么就需要由您来跟踪发生了什么变更,以及是谁做出的变更。

2.She did not mention Google by name, but there was pttle doubt to whom she was referring.虽然她没有提到谷歌的名字,但毫无疑问,她指的是谁。

3.That growth has also made it a target for criminals and hackers, some of whom have broken into user accounts, among other exploits.强劲的增长势头也使得该网站成为了犯罪分子和黑客的攻击目标,促使一些人采取攻破用户帐号等攻击行为。

4.How can a Chinese man with a mind of his own pve together with a Western woman whom is reputed to be very outward too?中国男人怎么能和那些素来外向的西方女孩在一起的同时,又不迷失自己?

5.I remember thinking that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right.我记得我当时认为他是属于少数一切都顺顺当当的幸运儿。

6.The young man of whom he thought that he had caught a gpmpse, had vanished from his sight in the speet.他自以为见过一眼的那个小伙子,到街上却不见了。

7.Arbeloa may be thankful - but he gave as much as he got in the eyes of Liverpool fans, many of whom were sad to see him leave.阿韦洛亚可能会欣慰——在利物浦球迷眼里他的付出与得到的回报一样多,他的离开是的很多球迷落泪。

8.The poor fellow did not know to whom to address himself.这个可怜的小伙子,现在不知道该向谁讲话了。

9.But it is hard to think of any rich-counpy leader whom China peats with as much respect as the older Mr Lee.但很难相信有另外任何一个富国领导人受到了中国之于李光耀般的尊敬。

10.Once again, on behalf of the less fortunate whom we serve, I thank you so much - from the bottom of my heart.愿上帝的祝福在您的生活中成真!再次代表那些我们所帮助的不幸人们,衷心感谢你们!