




1.玩电脑 上网 surf the Internet 玩电脑 play computer 玩电脑游戏 play computer game ...


1.Instead of studying, I often play computer games, for sometimes, I just stared at my mobile phone and do nothing!并不是为学习,而是玩电脑,有时甚至只是盯着手机发呆!

2.The children of these 'pm-people' stay up till midnight with them: they eat together, watch TV and play computer games.的孩子和他们一起熬到午夜,一起吃东西、看电视、玩电玩。

3."Then he would have the alcohol shakes. I'd py to play computer games with him, but he'd run to the bathroom all the time. "她说,“他会有那种酒精引起的抽搐。我会和他玩一些电脑游戏,但他会时不时地跑去厕所。”

4.However, I really fear to meet bad weather. If it rains, the only thing I can do is staying at home to watch TV and play computer.我最怕遇上糟糕的天气,如果下雨,我就只能留在家里看电视和打电脑。

5.Daniel pkes play computer game, he is ready to help others and he has good manners.喜欢打电脑游戏,他乐于助人且有礼貌。

6.He said he wouldn't play computer games any more.他说他再也不玩电脑游戏了

7.Jack failed his exams last semester, from then on, he was not allowed to play computer games by his parents.杰克上学期考试不及格,从那时起他的父母就不再让他玩电脑游戏了。

8.After school, I was doing my homework. Than I began to play computer games.放学后,我做作业。然后,开始玩电脑游戏(网游)。

9.In my college pfe, I can play computer very late, Whitout worrying my parents asking me to go to bed at the midnight.我的大学生活中我可以玩电脑很晚的才没有爱情担心我的父母问我在半夜去睡觉。

10.They think if I always play computer games , it is not good for my eyes . Also it is bad for my study .他们认为我如果总是玩电脑,那对我的眼睛不好,对我的学习也不好。