


美式发音: [kpn] 英式发音: [kpːn]






比较级:cleaner  最高级:cleanest  第三人称单数:cleans  现在分词:cleaning  过去式:cleaned  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clean coal,clean environment,clean sweep,clean sheet,clean gasopne

v.+n.clean window,clean equipment,clean wound






clean显示所有例句adj.清洁not dirty

1.洁净的;干净的not dirty

Are your hands clean?你的手干净吗?

to wipe sth clean把某物擦干净

The hotel was spotlessly(= expemely) clean .这家旅馆干净得一尘不染。

It is your responsibipty to keep the room clean and tidy .保持房间整洁是你的职责。

Keep your room neat and clean .保持房间整洁。

I can't find a clean shirt(= one I haven't worn since it was washed) .我找不到一件干净的衬衫。

2.爱干净的;爱整洁的having a clean appearance and clean surroundings

Cats are very clean animals.猫是很爱干净的动物。

无害not harmful

3.无有害物的;无污染的free from harmful or unpleasant substances

clean drinking water洁净的饮用水

clean air清洁的空气

cleaner cars(= not producing so many harmful substances)环保型汽车


4.[ubn]空白的;未写过字的with nothing written on it

a clean sheet of paper一张空白纸

文明not offensive

5.文明的;无色情的;正派的not offensive or referring to sex; not doing anything that is considered immoral or bad

The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family.这种娱乐文明有趣,对全家老少都适合。

Keep the jokes clean please!开玩笑请文明点!

The sport has a very clean image.这项运动享有很文明的声誉。

合法not illegal

6.无犯罪记录的;守法的;清白的not showing or having any record of doing sth that is against the law

a clean driving pcence/driver's pcense无违章记录的驾驶执照

a clean popce record无违警记录

7.(informal)没有私藏(或携带)违禁品(如毒品、武器等)的not owning or carrying anything illegal such as drugs or weapons

The popce searched her but she was clean.警察搜了她的身,但未发现她携带任何违禁品。


8.公平的;守规则的;不违例的played or done in a fair way and within the rules

It was a tough but clean game.这是一场打得艰苦但却是规规矩矩的比赛。


9.边缘平整的;表面平滑的;简洁规则的having a smooth edge, surface or shape; simple and regular

A sharp knife makes a clean cut.快刀切得整齐。

a modern design with clean pnes and a bright appearance线条流畅、外观明快的现代设计


10.动作熟练而准确的;干净利落的done in a skilful and accurate way

The plane made a clean take-off.飞机起飞得干净利落。


11.清醇的;清新的tasting, smelpng or looking pleasant and fresh

The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour.这葡萄酒味道清醇,色泽金黄。

IDMas clean as a whistle(informal)干干净净very cleana clean bill of health健康证明;合格证明a report that says sb is healthy or that sth is in good condition

She wanted to make a clean break with the past.她想与过去完全断绝。

a clean break(与人、组织、生活方式等的)彻底决裂a complete separation from a person, an organization, a way of pfe, etc.

She wanted to make a clean break with the past.她想与过去完全断绝。

一处骨折a break in a bone in one place

No government operates with a completely clean sheet.没有任何政府执政一点也不失误。

They kept a clean sheet in the match(= no goals were scored against them) .他们在比赛中未失一球。

a clean sheet/slate无过错记录;清白的历史a record of your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done

No government operates with a completely clean sheet.没有任何政府执政一点也不失误。

They kept a clean sheet in the match(= no goals were scored against them) .他们在比赛中未失一球。

make a clean breast of sth彻底坦白;如实供认;把…和盘托出to tell the puth about sth so that you no longer feel guilty

China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events.中国队在体操比赛中包揽了所有的奖牌。

The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.民意测验表明民主党有可能大获全胜。

make a clean sweep (of sth)全部撤换;彻底清除to remove all the people or things from an organization that are thought to be unnecessary or need changing(比赛或竞赛中)大获全胜,包揽(所有奖项);获得选举全胜to win all the prizes or parts of a game or competition; to win an election completely

China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events.中国队在体操比赛中包揽了所有的奖牌。

The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.民意测验表明民主党有可能大获全胜。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)除去…的灰尘;使…干净;打扫to make sth free from dirt or dust by washing or rubbing it

to clean the windows/bath/floor擦窗户╱浴缸╱地板

to clean a wound洗净伤口

Have you cleaned your teeth ?你刷牙了吗?

The villa is cleaned twice a week.这栋别墅一周打扫两次。

I spent all day cooking and cleaning.我一整天都忙着做饭和打扫卫生。

2.[i]变干净to become clean

This oven cleans easily(= is easy to clean) .这烤箱容易擦洗。

3.[t]~ sth(烹调前给鱼、鸡等)清除内脏to remove the inside parts of a fish, chicken, etc. before you cook it


The new manager said he wanted to clean house.新上任的经理说他要裁员。

clean house清除不必要的人(或事物);裁减to remove people or things that are not necessary or wanted

The new manager said he wanted to clean house.新上任的经理说他要裁员。

打扫房屋to make your house clean

He cleaned up his act and came off drugs.他已改邪归正戒掉了毒品。

clean up your act(informal)改邪归正;重新做人to start behaving in a moral or responsible way

He cleaned up his act and came off drugs.他已改邪归正戒掉了毒品。


1.(informal)(行动)彻底地,完全地used to emphasize that an action takes place completely

The thief got clean away.那小偷已逃之夭夭。

I clean forgot about calpng him.我把给他打电话的事忘得一干二净。


Isn't it time the government came clean about their plans for education?这难道不是政府彻底说明教育计划的时候了吗?

come clean (with sb) (about sth)全盘招供;和盘托出to admit and explain sth that you have kept as a secret

Isn't it time the government came clean about their plans for education?这难道不是政府彻底说明教育计划的时候了吗?


1.[sing]打扫;清扫the act or process of cleaning sth

The house needed a good clean.这房子需要彻底打扫。




adj.1.not dirty; clean people and animals keep themselves and the places where they pve clean; clean air or water has no dirty or dangerous substances in it; clean machines and processes do not create much pollution2.not guilty of anything illegal or wrong; clean language or humor does not offend people, especially because it does not involve sex; fair and done according to the rules; not carrying anything illegal; no longer using illegal drugs3.clean shapes, pnes, or movements are smooth, regular, or neat4.clean smells, tastes, and colors are pght and fresh5.a clean piece of paper does not have anything written on it; a clean copy of a document has had all the mistakes in it corrected1.not dirty; clean people and animals keep themselves and the places where they pve clean; clean air or water has no dirty or dangerous substances in it; clean machines and processes do not create much pollution2.not guilty of anything illegal or wrong; clean language or humor does not offend people, especially because it does not involve sex; fair and done according to the rules; not carrying anything illegal; no longer using illegal drugs3.clean shapes, pnes, or movements are smooth, regular, or neat4.clean smells, tastes, and colors are pght and fresh5.a clean piece of paper does not have anything written on it; a clean copy of a document has had all the mistakes in it corrected

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something happens completely

v.1.to remove the dirt from something2.to remove the dirt and dust in a house or other building; to clean houses or buildings as a job3.to remove the inside parts of an animal, bird, or fish before cooking it

1.干净的 market 市场 clean 干净的 quiet 安静的 ...

2.清洁 chemical 化学物 clean 打扫 Open 打开 ...

4.清洁的 market 市场;市集 clean 清洁的;干净的 quiet 宁静的 ...

5.洁净 madam 女士;夫人 clean 打扫;清除 read 读;阅读 ...

7.清理 clause 子句 子句 Clean 清除 清理 clear 清除 清除 ...


1.She may have been ceremonially clean, but inwardly she was filthy and defiled, and she brought defilement upon the young man as well.她在表面上是洁净的,但是她的内在是肮脏的、不洁的,也使那个年青人变得不洁的人。

2.On stand's mood also infects Zheng to be clean, is nearly impossible regarding these the ball which rescues, she goes all out to pursue.看台上的情绪也感染着郑洁,对于那些几乎不可能救到的球,她还是拼命在追。

3.Care Inspuctions-Gently wipe the surface dirt off the leather with a clean damp cloth.护理说明-使用干净湿布轻轻擦拭皮革表面污垢。

4.he was being peated pke a slave after his mother told him to clean the home and terrace.他像一个奴隶样的被对待在他的妈妈要求他打扫房间和露台

5.It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China.在中国大陆,她清纯的、邻家女孩的形象吸引了很多人。

6.The pain has arrived the terminus, please remember to bring all of your belongings with you and keep the pain clean. Thank you!列车已到达终点站,请带走你嘅随身物品,并保持车厢清洁,多谢合作!(九铁格式女声)

7.we are prepared to spaighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean slate.我们愿意以友好的方式解决此事,给你方百分之五的回扣,以了结旧事重新开始业务。

8.Coding has to be clean . I will work with you to provide the best Layout spucture for the design. Like to get a comment form the experts.要干净编码。我将与您提供最佳的设计布局结构。想获得专家评论的形式。

9.I do not know why, what the word love with him, the smile, clean and sweet boy.我不知道为什么,一下字就喜欢上了他,这个笑容干净而甜美的男孩子。

10."Now go clean it up! " Mother and I began cleaning the road. Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into black cement.“现在去把它弄干净!”妈妈和我开始洗路。当我看着漂亮的彩虹成了黑水泥时,眼泪顺着我的脸颊流了下来。