




1.呆在床上 9.be absent 缺席 10.stay in bed 呆在床上 1.a new term 一个新学期 ...

2.卧病在床 hand in 交上来 36) stay in bed 卧病在床 37) hear from 收到……来信 38) ...

3.躺在床上 after lunch 午饭后 stay in bed 躺在床上 have a high fever 发高烧 ...

4.卧床 at night 在晚上 stay in bed 卧床 have a good sleep 睡个好觉 ...

5.待在床上 stay 停留,呆 stay in bed 待在床上 hear 听到,听见 ...

6.卧床休息 129、read too long 看书太久 133、stay in bed 卧床休息 135、look pale 看起来脸 …

7.在床休息 Take one’s temperature 量体温 Stay in bed 在床休息 Take medicine 服药 ...

8.呆在床上不起来 =an expa sum of one thousand pounds 间接引语 stay in bed 呆在床上不起来 spare part 备件 ...


1.He coughs day and night. The doctor asked him to stay in bed for a week.他日夜咳嗽。医生告诉他要卧床休息一周。

2.No. She's been resting at home. The doctor wants her to stay in bed for two weeks or more. I hired Papicia Woo to take her place yesterday.不,她在家休息,医生让她卧床休息两周以上,我昨天雇了帕特里夏•吴来接替她的工作。

3.Dr. Mariano wanted her to stay in bed for a week, but she kept going, giving confidence as well as support to our candidates.玛丽安诺医生让她卧床休息一周,但她坚持继续奔走,给我们的候选人以信心和支持。

4.The doctor looked her over'carefully, gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days.医生给她仔细检查了一下,给她开了药,并让她卧床休息几天。

5.The doctor recommended that she should stay in bed for a week.医生劝她应该在床上躺一星期。

6.A. Fortunately, she was immediately sent to the hospital. Now, she can only stay in bed all day.还好她立即就被送往医院,现在,她只能整天都呆在床上了

7.'No! Listen to me, ' Mr Santini said. 'I'm going to call a taxi for you right now. Go home and stay in bed.“不要说了,听我的,”圣提尼先生说,“我现在马上帮你叫一辆出租车,回家,躺到床上去。”

8.If he had not been ill terribly, he would not have to stay in bed for a week.如果他没有生重病,就不用卧床一周了

9.Deborah told him to stay in bed and phone her at work if he needed anything.黛博拉告诉他躺在床上,如果需要什么可以在上班时间给她打电话。

10.It is a real luxury to be able to stay in bed instead of getting up for school.能够躺在床上而不必早起上学可真是一件舒服之事。