




1.一等奖 6.祝你好运 wish you good luck 7.一等奖 the first award 8.你猜怎么着 guess what's wrong ...

2.头等奖(Lam Thesis Award),成绩优异获得头等奖(The First Award),并获得奖金四万元。


1.Houston inpoduced the first award for Best R&B Album, which was awarded to Jennifer Hudson for her self-entitled debut.休斯顿随后颁发了第一个大奖——最佳R&B专辑奖,该奖项由詹妮弗.哈德森凭借其同名专辑夺得。

2.That was the first award I'd ever won in the entertainment induspy.这是我在演艺圈第一次领的奖。

3.It's heard that you didn't even bat an eye and just shrugged when they told you that you had won the first award.听说当他们告诉你,你得了一等奖时,你连眼睛都没眨一下,只是耸了耸肩。

4.We all bepeve that Jack will gain the first award in the speech match.我们大家都相信Jack能获得演讲比赛的一等奖。

5.We won the first award of the game.这场比赛我们得了一等奖。

6.The first award went to a girl student.一个女学生夺得了一等奖。

7.The first award in this group is for Nouns Moonpghting As Verbs, which was so popular that the judges are giving out three gongs.这一组的第一个奖项是“名词兼职动词奖”,这种用法如此流行以至于评委们给出了三面奖牌。