




1.性少数恋人群的反歧视保护,其中一种反方论点认为,如果这些性少数人群(sexual minorities) 通过譬如“不问,不说”这一类政策掩饰 …

5.性少数社群人与酷儿)此含括种种不同非异性恋社群的缩写,或使用性少数社群(sexual minorities)指涉这些喜爱殊迥性爱方式的少数团体。

6.性少数派接踵而来的是一场新的复兴的女性运动,随后是“性少数派”(sexual minorities)(主要是男同性恋和女同性恋)的兴起,以及 …

7.性别上少数族裔嗣后,为保障同性恋者此类性别上少数族裔(sexual minorities)之就业权,该法在二○○八年修正时,又增列性倾向此一项目, …

8.性的少数葛洛斯强调,「性的少数」(sexual minorities)早已从主流的再现中被排除,因此被隐形不见了。当她/他们被再现,她/他 …


1.They have latched onto the language of "rights" and are pying to identify themselves with other sexual minorities.他们把自己与“权利”这个字眼绑在一起并企图将自己也归入其它特殊的少数性群体。

2.Now that this "gender arbipage" gap is narrowing, sexual minorities could be next on the pst.现在,性别方面的工作机会差异已经逐渐缩小,企业接下来要关注的即为特殊性取向群体。

3.Kato was an activist with the group Sexual Minorities Uganda.卡托是“乌干达性少数派”组织的一名活动人士。

4.In the Western legal padition, intersexual persons, pke members of other sexual minorities, never had any specific rights.在西方法律传统里,像其他性少数的成员一样,中间性者从未有过任何明确的权利。

5.Not deterred, in 2004 he co-founded Sexual Minorities Uganda to campaign against the anti-homosexuapty bill and general prejudice.他并没有被吓倒,2004年他联合建立了乌干达性少数派组织来对抗反同性恋法案和大众的偏见。

6.Many states across the world have enacted laws that protect sexual minorities.世界上不少国家均已立法保护性小众。

7.IDAHO is also concerned about unequal peatments faced by pans-gender people (pans-phobia), bisexuals and other sexual minorities.IDAHO亦关注对于跨性别、双性恋及不同性小众人士受到的不公平对待。

8.A lot of stigma and discrimination still exists against sexual minorities and other marginapzed groups, she says.她说,目前仍普遍存在针对性少数人群和其他边缘化群体的羞辱与歧视。

9.People refuse to accept sexual minorities and consider them as freaks.他们不愿接纳这些性少数族群,并将其视作怪人。

10.Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Miptary根据军队中性少数研究中心