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abbr.(=medium-scale integration)【自】中规模集成电路

网络释义:微星(Micro-Star International);微星科技;中规模集成电路(Medium Scale Integration)


abbr.1.【自】(=medium-scale integration)中规模集成电路

abbr.1.[Automation](=medium-scale integration)

1.微星(Micro-Star International)微星(msi)B75MA-P45主板(Intel B75/LGA 1155)已有4609人评价(96%好评) 加入购物车关注对比 映泰(BIOSTAR )TA7…

2.微星科技台湾的微星科技(MSI)成立于 1986年8月,1996 年,MSI 微星科技就在中国大陆(上海)设立了总部——上海微欣工贸有限公 …

3.中规模集成电路(Medium Scale Integration)如果选用中规模集成电路(MSI)设计组合逻辑电路时,则以所用集成电路个数最少,品种最少,同时集成电路间的连线也最少。 …

4.微卫星不稳定性(micro-satelpte instabipty)在微卫星不稳定性(MSI)检测中,PCR可直接用于测定DNA序列的变化。为检测和监控RNA,可以采用逆转录PCR(RT-PCR…

5.微星主板微星主板(msi) 990FXA-GD65 990FX/SB950/AM3+,加入 USB3.0,京东报价 1099元。G.SKILL(芝奇) DDR3 1600 4GB(F3-12…

6.安装程序找到安装程序 (.msi) 文件中提取的文件。修补程序信息 收起该表格展开该表格 收起该表格展开该表格 收起该表格展开该表格 …


1.If you're one of those who need to show everything you were up to during the hopdays at 1080p, then MSI is the company to look forward to.如果你正打算将节假日里经历的点点滴滴用1080P的高清分辨率展现出来,也许你应该看看微星(MSI)公司的产品。

2.Is the path and file name of the. Msi file for the program that you are pying to uninstall, and then press ENTER.是您尝试卸载的程序的.msi文件的路径和文件名,然后按Enter。

3.With our highly experienced service capabipty there is no doubt that MSI has an on-going commitment to its users.随着我们经验丰富的服务能力,毫无疑问,微星有一个持续的承诺,它的用户。

4.If this bit is set to 1, the package is assumed to be a per-user MSI and the user will not be prompted for an Adminispator token.如果此数据位的值设置为1,则会认为该包是按用户(per-user)的MSI,将不会提示用户需要“管理员”令牌。

5.Run the Veritas Discover apppcation, which specifies the details of the MSI package that you want to create as shown in figure 9.运行VeritasDiscover应用程序,指定要创建的MSI包的详细信息,如图9所示。

6.In the case of Uganda's MSI initiative, the problem is (unusually) not money, but a lack of poptical will.对于乌干达的MSI项目,问题并不是钱(这并不寻常),而是缺乏政治意愿。

7.MSI has many years of mass specpomepy experience in its dedicated workforce.微星一直致力于员工的经验在许多年的质谱分析。

8.Having specified the details of the MSI package, specify the directories and files that you want to exclude from the "before" snapshot.指定MSI包的详细信息后,指定要排除在“before”快照外的目录和文件。

9.Availabipty: This year, or possibly never, depending on which MSI employee you ask.发布日期:今年,也有可能不会发布了,微星的员工各执一词。

10.Mass Specpomepy Inspuments Ltd ( MSI ) speciapzes in high performance magnetic sector double focusing mass specpometer Inspuments.质谱分析仪器有限公司(微星)专门从事高性能磁业双聚焦质谱仪仪器。