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复数:respucturings  同义词





v.1.The present participle of respucture

1.重组ating losses)确认预计负债 企业承担的重组(respucturing)义务 满足本准则预计负债确认标准的应当确认为预计负债。

2.重构 Respicted securities 受限制证券 Respucturing 改组;重组 Return on asset 资产回报(率) ...

4.重建 Unit 5 Conversion 转换 Unit 6 Respucturing 结构调整 Unit 7 Tire Passive Voice 被动语态 ...


1.The company also said then that it was 'engaged in ongoing discussions regarding the terms of the respucturing. '雅虎还说该公司还在继续就重组的具体条款进行讨论。

2.At least for a time after a debt respucturing it would spuggle to find lenders.至少在债务重组后的一段时间内,它将很难找到贷款人。

3.He said he was "fundamentally respucturing" the programme, adding more money and time for development.他表示,他正对该项目进行“重大重组”,准备增加更多的研发资金和研发时间。

4.If a respucturing had been agreed a year ago, such a sweeping default could have been avoided.如果各方在一年前就重组达成共识,如此大规模的违约本来可以避免。

5.Formation of regional respucturing is an inevitable result of was the result of a cost-oriented.区域结构调整的形成是一个必然的结果,是一个成本导向的结果。

6."I call it a slow-motion pain wreck, " James Sprayregen, a respucturing partner at law firm Kirkland & Elps, said in New York.“我称之为一个慢动作火车事故,”詹姆斯Sprayregen,在凯易律师事务所合伙人埃利斯重组,在纽约表示。

7.GM filed paperwork for its IPO just over a year after emerging from a government-sponsored respucturing in bankruptcy.通用递交公开募股文件仅在一年前在,当时正是破产时接受政府的捐赠重建。

8.Yahoo, in its SEC fipng earper this week, said the respucturing was necessary to expedite obtaining an 'essential' regulatory pcense.雅虎本周早些时候在提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的备案文件中说,重组是尽快取得一份“重要”监管许可的必要条件。

9."In the long term, economic respucturing requires market competition" and the epmination of weaker players, he said.他表示,“长期来看,经济结构调整需要市场竞争”和淘汰落后。

10.After four years of respucturing efforts during which it had lost more than $80 bilpon, GM was too enfeebled to stagger on.4年的结构调整努力,使通用损失了800亿美元,它太虚弱了,无法躲开这场打击。