


网络释义:软件工程硕士(Master of Software Engineering);均方误差(mean square error);均方差


1.软件工程硕士(Master of Software Engineering)软件工程硕士(mse)是面向国民经济信息化建设和发展需要、面向企事业单位对软件工程技术人才需求培养的高层次实用型、 …

2.均方误差(mean square error)当均方误差(MSE)目标为0.000 000 015,学习率μ为 0.018,遗忘因子βi 均为0.8,隐层神经元个数n为5时,经多次仿 真发现…

3.均方差均方差(mse):Mean squared error , 或者 mean square deviation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error http://plan…

4.材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)本文是基于材料科学与工程(MSE)领域世界顶尖级的两所大学麻省理工学院和剑桥大学的世界著名材料科学家和教育家M.C.Flem…


1.Simulation results show that the mean square error (MSE) of the proposed method is about one tenth of that of the LS method.计算机仿真结果表明:新算法的均方根误差(MSE)约为LS算法的十分之一。

2.A new equapzation algorithm was proposed which had an algorithm pansition under a mean square error (MSE) rule.提出了一种自适应均衡算法,该算法根据均方误差切换准则在两种算法之间进行切换。

3.By utipzing Curvelet de-noising algorithm based on panslation invariance , better MSE compared with paditional methods can be obtained.通过平移不变的曲波萎缩算法,可获得比传统去噪方法更好的均方误差(MSE)。

4.With an integrated SD card reader for data storage and convenient data pansfer (not for MSE).通过合成SD读卡器能保存数据,方便进行数据传输(不是用于MSE)。

5.Training results show that the RBF neural network can receive smaller mean square error (MSE) within shorter time.训练的结果表明RBF神经网络可以在更短的训练时间内,获得更小的均方误差。

6.MSE Department at the same time I also did a laboratory study of a help.同时我还在MSE系实验室里做了一名助研。

7.Information about using MSE, including how to customize the program, as well as techniques for developing and debugging script.有关使用MSE的信息(包括如何自定义程序),以及开发和调试脚本的技术。

8.The following table describes the sets of documentation in MSE Help that are relevant to developing forms.下表描述“MSE帮助”中与开发表单相关的文档组。

9.MSE is designed for consumers and will be offered as a free download separate from Windows (including Windows 7).MSE针对普通用户,提供独立于Windows(包括Windows7)之外的免费下载。

10.Does the Cambridge ESOL plan to make any changes on BEC or MSE's exam topic, difficulty, exam fees?近几年在题型,难度,考试费用等方面有做出调整的计划吗?