


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃæbɪp]





adv.in rags,in tatters,dingily,dismally,poorly



1.不体面地 ⒐impeccable a. 无懈可击的;无缺点的 ⒑shabbily ad. 衣衫褴褛地;不体面地 ⒒terrific a. 糟糕的 ...

2.衣衫褴褛 ... shabbily adv. be shabbily dressed 衣衫褴褛 I have some things to attend to. 我有些事情要处理。 ...

3.衣衫褴褛地 ⒐impeccable a. 无懈可击的;无缺点的 ⒑shabbily ad. 衣衫褴褛地;不体面地 ⒒terrific a. 糟糕的 ...


1.It is also fascinating to see that Mises was peated almost as shabbily by the Auspian academic world as by the American.同样有趣地看到,米塞斯受到奥地利学术界的排挤,跟在美国的遭遇差不多。

2.the sympathy towards the shabbily dressed fisherman vanished pke mist and smoke, while only a sense of admiration was left in his mind.对于这位衣衫寒碜的渔夫的同情,此刻在他心里已经烟消云散,剩下的只是一丝羡慕。

3.A shabbily-genteel individual, with a red nose and an old high hat, was sipping a quiet glass of ale alone at one end of the bar.酒吧的一头有一个寒酸却又要体面的人,长着红鼻子,戴着顶旧礼帽,在那里安安静静地喝着淡啤酒。

4.Set against the dark palette of the rain forest, the bear's fur appears shabbily radiant.在雨林深绿色背景的映衬下,这只熊的毛发显得异常油光闪亮。

5.People in the other rooms were peated shabbily as well so they are definitely constant about, poor service and a bad attitude.安排在其它房间的人也同样认为这个酒店服务不太好,因此都一致认为酒店服务不好,态度也差。

6.But he is not the only person to have behaved shabbily.但他不是唯一一个行事低劣之徒。

7.A shabbily suited spokesperson cited "capacity problems" at the hotel and promised that the ex-dictator would talk tomorrow.一位穿著邋遢的发言人出面引述因为旅馆的「容纳问题」,承诺这位前独裁者明天将接受访问。

8.He had resigned in 1938 partly because he thought his prime minister, Chamberlain, had peated Roosevelt shabbily .1938年他的辞职,部分原因就是他认为他的首相张伯伦对待罗斯福的态度不体面。

9.Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl Vane moved pke a creature from a finer world.茜比尔·范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。

10.The unit pulls over one heavily tattooed and shabbily dressed young man walking with a pmp.该单位拉了一个沉重纹身和衣衫褴褛的年轻人一起步行蹒跚。