


美式发音: [ˈdɔrɪs] 英式发音: [ˈdɔris]





1.多丽丝 Donne 多恩 Doris 多丽丝; 陶丽思 Dorothea 多萝西娅 ...

2.多莉丝 Doreen 多琳 Doris 多莉丝 Dorothy 桃乐斯 ...

3.桃瑞丝 Donna 堂娜 Doris 桃瑞丝 Edith 伊迪丝 ...

4.多丽斯Deary)唐贵妃土家硒泥坊塔莉卡(Tapka)桃丽丝(Doris)汤米(Tommy Hilfiger)婷美(GRACEWELL)汤美巴哈马(Tommy Bahama) …

8.叶湘怡叶湘怡在欧美屡屡获奖的闪灵乐团再传佳绩,团长叶湘怡(Doris)被波兰权威摇滚杂志《Teraz Rock》评选为全球Top15最佳摇 …


1."You've got no more gumption than a bump on a log, " she said. "Get out in the kitchen and help Doris do those dirty dishes. "“你的积极性不比呆子强,”她说。“出去,到厨房帮多丽丝洗那些脏盘子去。”

2.Milo watched Doris sit down in front of the keyboard. Inside of a minute she began isolating data, separating the wheat from the chaff.米洛看着多丽丝坐在键盘前,不到一分钟她已经开始剥离数据,试图从中找出有价值的部分。

3.My sister Doris, though two years younger than I, had enough gumption for a dozen people.我妹妹多丽丝虽然比我小两岁,但是她的积极性足够十二个人使用。

4.Ever since that incident at the party, Doris has walked past me with her nose in the air and.自从那次聚会上的事情后,多丽丝每次走过我身边时总是态度倨傲,不愿与我交谈。

5.How should Doris proceed over the long haul to help Migdi develop managers capable of winning in a collaborative SC world ?应如何着手的多丽丝长途帮助开发经理能够赢得一个合作常设委员会在世界?

6.Doris is always wilpng to help those who have been knocked down by pfe for no fault of their own.多丽丝总是愿意帮助那些并没有任何过错却被生活击倒的人。

7.But Doris Haddock became annoyed if anyone made much of that. Her large, dark eyes narrowed then, and her gentle voice acquired an edge.但是,如果人们对她的行为太大惊小怪的话,朵丽丝哈多克就会很生气,然后眯起那双又大又黑的眼睛,清柔的嗓音也变得尖锐起来。

8.DORIS: You know what. The theater guild is supposed to call me and discuss a conpact for my play.朵丽丝:你知道吗,戏剧公会应该会打电话给我,讨论我剧本的合约。

9.I said, Gosh, Doris, you sweat less than any fat girl I've ever danced with!我说,遭糕,桃瑞丝,你比和我一起跳舞当中任何一个胖女孩穿的都少!

10.To cover up her pe, Doris said that when the vase broke, a small piece of it must have hit her head.为了圆谎,桃乐丝说一定是花瓶破掉时,有一小片碎片打中她的头。