





2.家长大会 协助总务 Assist in Operations Area 家长大会(二) Parents Meeting 2 担任课外活动课教师 Teaching 4th Class ...

3.家长会是 ... 1.班会: Class Meeting 家长会是: parents meeting 亲师座谈会是: parent-teacher meeting ...

4.班亲会 作品展览 Our Masterpieces 班亲会 Parents Meeting 我们这一班 Lovable 205 ...

5.第一周 ... January 一月 (Parents Meeting) 第一周 (家长大会) (Review) 第七周 (复习) ...

6.家长说明会 ... 2009-09-04 Parents' Meeting 家长说明会 2009-09-08 Parents Meeting 家长说明会 ...


1.During the parents' meeting, each of parents concenters himself to psten and write down something lest he might miss anything.在家长会上,家长们个个全神贯注地倾听、记录,生怕漏掉一点内容。

2.The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue, or to talk the issue over.学校开家长会讨论这个问题,或者说是解决这个问题。

3.Some meeting can be ranked into (team of ), but it's necessary to held up the parents meeting for the school and the parents .不少会议都可列入可开可不开之列,但对于学校和家长而言,家长会则是必不可少的。

4.During parents meeting, American teachers will always find good things to say to the parents, even to those with the worst grades.家长会上,美国老师总是将那些在坏学生身上发现的优点讲给学生的家长。

5.The boy with his mother attended the Parents' meeting.男孩和他母亲参加了家长会。

6.If I were a President, I'll open a month a parents' meeting.如果我是一个校长,我会每月开一次家长会。

7.There is going to be a parents meeting tomorrow.明天要开家长会。

8.First of all, thank you for your parents for taking the time to the parents' meeting.首先,感谢各位家长在百忙之中抽出时间来参加这次家长会。

9.When he wants to, and he loved the parents meeting, he was excited.当他想要和他深爱的父母见面时,他异常兴奋。

10.The parents' meeting is to be held next Friday.家长座谈会准备下星期五举行。