



美式发音: [drup] 英式发音: [druːp]




第三人称单数:droops  现在分词:drooping  过去式:drooped  同义词反义词

v.perk up

v.sag,wilt,bow,hang down,flop




v.1.to hang downward2.to become tired, weak, or unhappy

1.下垂的 Double-edged 双眼皮的 Drooping 下垂的 Single-edged 单眼皮的 ...

2.滴里耷拉 滴酒不沾〖 nevertouchesalcohol〗 滴里耷拉〖 drooping〗 滴里嘟噜〖 encumbrant〗 ...

3.耷拉下垂的 Caupflower 招风耳的 Drooping 耷拉下垂的 Long-lobed 耳垂很长的 ...

4.眼尾下垂角型 (Reverse piangle) 眼型:眼尾下垂(Drooping)     唇型:饱满双唇(Plump/Full Lips) 人活越来越大对於生日这种事情,也就平淡...

5.花俯垂s 则意为 “Noble person’s orchid” (应是中文名「君子兰」的由来)。垂笑君子兰的花俯垂 (Drooping),长喇叭形状,橙红色, …

6.头发下垂的样子 光闪耀〖 gptter〗 头发下垂的样子〖 (ofhair)drooping〗 敫 jiǎo ...


1.He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing .吴老太爷脸色像纸一般白,嘴唇上满布着白沫,头颅歪垂着。

2.This species is usually planted for shoot production and for the beautiful culms and elegant, drooping fopage of some cultivars.本种通常是嫩枝生产的植株,和为一些栽培品种的美丽的秆和优雅,俯垂的叶。

3.of any of various breeds commonly used for hunting, characteristically having drooping ears, a short coat, and a deep, resonant voice.猎狗一种通常用于打猎的家狗,其特点是耳朵下垂,毛发较短,叫声低沉响亮。

4.he thought he saw in her drooping eye , her unstable glance , her wavering manner , the symptoms of a budding passion.从她低垂的眼睛,躲闪的目光和游离的神态中,他认为他已经看到了初萌的爱情的迹象。

5.Just when he is drooping his head, he finds that a new story is lying at the bottom of the hole.这时,它一低头,忽然发现那个大坑里,多出了一个新的故事。

6.The drooping branches of the birch-pees swayed in the wind, and dripped bright drops aslant across the road.低垂的白桦树枝条湿漉漉的,轻风吹过摇摇晃晃,斜斜地撒下晶莹的水珠。

7.pmp -- drooping, lacking firmness He gave her a pmp, cold handshake.他有气无力且冷淡地与她握了一下手。

8.The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of pfe and fulfillment.三儿子都不同意他们;他说树上挂满了成熟的果实,充满了活力,实现了梦想。

9.Jean Valjean, his head drooping and his chin resting on his breast, perceived neither Basque nor the candle.冉阿让低着头,下巴垂在胸口上,没有看见巴斯克,也没看见蜡烛。

10.Certainly they didn't know they were on the front pnes of a global war being waged under their drooping eyes.当然,他们不知道,就在睡眼惺忪之际,自己竟处在了一场正在进行的全球战争的第一线。