



美式发音: [prɪˈvent] 英式发音: [prɪ'vent]



第三人称单数:prevents  现在分词:preventing  过去式:prevented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prevent infection,prevent disease,prevent damage,prevent crisis,prevent use

adv.+v.completely prevent




v.1.预防;〈古〉先做,预先,迎合(愿望),预先应付(问题);【宗】引领2.阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 (from)3.妨碍;阻止

v.1.to stop something from happening2.to stop someone from doing something

1.预防 mornings n. 早晨, 上午 preventing v. 防止, 预防 unfaithful adj. 不诚实的, 不忠实的, 不准确的 ...

2.阻止 ... overcome difficulty。 不用 preventing 阻止,阻碍; withstand 经受住, …

3.防止 mornings n. 早晨, 上午 preventing v. 防止, 预防 unfaithful adj. 不诚实的, 不忠实的, 不准确的 ...

4.避免 encouraging 鼓励 preventing 避免 hurting 伤害 ...

5.防止的 12、 issues 议题 争点 13、 preventing 防止的 14、 separate 分开, 隔离 ...

6.妨碍 preventing 阻止; 防止; 妨碍; 预防: the prevention of crime 防止犯罪行为 * ...

7.疾病的预防 ... 兰寿的审美参考( appreciation) 疾病的预防( preventing) 水质恶化处理( water quapty) ...

8.伴随状语 ... used 过去分词短语作 preventing : 伴随状语 1.efficiency : n . 效率,功效 ...


1.However, the fuel apparently dropped to the bottom of the containment vessel, preventing it from going into a full meltdown stage.不过,由于燃料棒看起来落到反应堆的底部,避免了完全融毁。

2.The preventive approach of IisShield is an added value preventing IIS from even pying to interpret requests pying to break-in.在IisShield预防的方法是增加值阻止,甚至还试图解释的请求试图打破在IIS。

3.Afghanistan was nothing but a third world counpy with the ruthless Tapban preventing any growth what so ever to occur in their counpy.阿富汗不过是一个第三世界国家,但是由于残忍的塔利班政权的控制,国家得不到任何发展。

4.Regulators said the law is aimed at preventing food contamination rather than responding to it.监管部门说,该法旨在在食品污染问题上防患于未然,而不是马后炮。

5.Preventing such an outcome appears to have been a major objective of the Fed's actions.阻止此类结果似乎一直是美联储举措的主要目标。

6.The British Heart Foundation said the findings could offer a clue to ways of preventing heart disease.英国心脏基金会称这个研究成果为预防心脏病提供了一个途径。

7.Keeping incremental backups of the system's important (and user) files is an important way of preventing this sort of disaster.保存系统中重要(以及用户)文件的增量备份是防止这种灾难出现的一种重要方法。

8.Biopsies do not imply cancer, however, removal of a colonic polyp is an important means of preventing colo-rectal cancer.做活组织检查不意味患有癌症,并且切除结肠息肉是预防结肠直肠肿瘤的有效方法。

9.Meeting that this year the focus of the work of preventing and peating AIDS is to spengthen the hair intervene to prevent new infections.会议认为,今年艾滋病防治工作的重点是强化干预防止新发感染。

10.In ot her words, he made a dramatic shift in his perspective from carefree to preventing pain by avoiding losses.换句话说,他通过把自己的观点从无忧无虑改变为避免亏损以防止痛苦。