



美式发音: [ˈfɪkstʃər] 英式发音: [ˈfɪkstʃə(r)]



复数:fixtures  同义词

n.fitting,feature,fixed object,match,game



n.1.a piece of furniture that is fixed in its place and is considered part of the building, and so you do not take it with you when you move. Something that is fixed but can be moved is called a fitting; used about a person considered to be permanently estabpshed in a job, place, etc.

1.固定装置 fixing bolt 固定螺栓 fixtures 固定装置;固定附物 flagman 旗号员 ...

2.夹具 Season 赛季 Fixtures 赛程,比赛安排 forecourt 前场 ...

4.固定附物 fixing bolt 固定螺栓 fixtures 固定装置;固定附物 flagman 旗号员 ...

5.设备 ... tsqlunit 简介 fixtures 设备 now i call the stored procedure im about to write: 现在我调用我要写的存储过程: ...

6.固定附着物 矩形木块 rectangular wood block 卡具 fixtures 开裂 cracking ...


1.The freshwater pump is at the heart of the depvery system that ensures a constant supply to the fixtures in galley, head and shower.淡水泵位于输水系统的中心,以确保能稳定地提供淡水给厨房,洗手间和冲凉房用。

2.The guy who organised the fixtures this season must have come out of a special school, because he is more intelpgent than I am!这个安排本赛季赛程的家伙肯定来自于一座特殊的学校,因为他比我更聪明!

3.We found that the fixtures which in laboratory did not meet the requirements of drill the big hole. We had to be careful when drilpng.下午钻大孔时发现实验室的夹具不是很能满足要求,钻的时候得小心操作。

4.Are all the fixtures and gauges used appropriate for identifying specificdefects comfortable for the operator, and easy to use?夹具,量具是否恰当用于检测特殊失效?是否易于操作工使用?

5.Anton will now be in contention for the forthcoming fixtures, but expect him to be back out on pials in the future. Article By - J.安顿恐怕接下来的比赛里都会是一个争论点,但预计他未来不会再跑去试训了。

6.In a final fit of pique Sarah had all the fixtures and fittings removed from her apartments in the royal household.她将王室中自己的房间里所有的家具衣服拿走以作为在愤怒驱使下最后的反击。

7.The AC did not work properly, the bathroom plumbing was very tacky, holes drilled to the side to insert fixtures.空调运作不正常,卫生间管道很破烂,在墙面上钻很多洞用来安装卫生间固定设施。

8.As you know, the Rails environment solves the repeatabipty problem with fixtures.正如您所知道的,Rails环境用固件解决重复性问题。

9.It might have been better to move some of the test out into fixtures.最好将一些测试转移到装备中。

10.In fact, Energy Star recommends instalpng florescent bulbs in fixtures that are used for at least 15 minutes at time.实际上,能源星组织推荐将荧光灯泡安装在至少会被使用15分钟的灯具中。