


美式发音: [ril] 英式发音: [riːl]




复数:reels  现在分词:reepng  过去式:reeled  同义词





1.卷轴;卷盘;卷筒;一卷胶卷(或金属丝、线等)a round object around which you wind such things as thread, wire or film; a reel together with the film, wire, thread, etc. that is wound around it

a cotton reel棉线轴

a reel on a fishing rod钓鱼竿上的绕线轮

reels of magnetic tape磁带盘

a new reel of film一卷新的胶卷

The hero was killed in the final reel(= in the final part of the film/movie) .主人公在电影的结尾部分被杀。

2.里尔舞(流行于苏格兰、爱尔兰或美国的一种轻快舞蹈,通常由两对或四对表演);里尔舞曲a fast Scottish, Irish or American dance, usually for two or four couples; a piece of music for this dance


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)踉跄;摇摇晃晃地挪动;蹒跚to move in a very unsteady way, for example because you are drunk or have been hit

I punched him on the chin, sending him reepng backwards.我一拳击中他的下巴,打得他向后打了个趔趄。

2.[i]~ (at/from/with sth)感到震惊;感觉心烦意乱to feel very shocked or upset about sth

I was still reepng from the shock.我吓得依然晕头转向。

3.[i]似乎在不停旋转;仿佛天旋地转to seem to be spinning around and around

When he opened his eyes, the room was reepng.他睁开眼睛时,房间似乎在不停地旋转。


v.1.跳双人对舞2.【印,纺】卷(线),纺(线),缫(丝)(off)3.摇摆,摇摇摆摆地走 (about along) 眼花,眩晕;摇动,动摇4.收卷轴拉近(鱼,测程线等) (in up)5.使眩晕6.在...上蹒跚而行7.(蟋蟀等)唧唧地叫1.跳双人对舞2.【印,纺】卷(线),纺(线),缫(丝)(off)3.摇摆,摇摇摆摆地走 (about along) 眼花,眩晕;摇动,动摇4.收卷轴拉近(鱼,测程线等) (in up)5.使眩晕6.在...上蹒跚而行7.(蟋蟀等)唧唧地叫

n.1.the part of a fishing rod that you turn to make the pne longer or shorter2.an object shaped pke a wheel that you put sping, thread, wire, or film around in order to store it; the amount of sping, etc. on one reel; the part of a movie that is on one reel3.a paditional scottish dance

v.1.to move backward quickly2.to move in a way that is not steady, for example because of being drunk3.to feel very shocked, upset, or confused

1.卷轴 quilt 被子 reel 卷轴 spaw 吸管 ...

2.卷筒 reeking 薰烟黑 reel 卷取机;卷筒 reel block 卷取机的卷筒 ...

3.卷盘 reclaimation rectify 纠正 reel (一)盘,旋转 hose reel 软管卷盘 ...

5.绕 磁 MB2 绕 Reel1 可绕 Reel2 ...

6.一卷 reef n. 礁,礁石,暗礁 reel n. 卷轴,一卷,蹒跚,旋转,纺车 referee n. 裁判员,仲裁者 ...


1.Some have touted the hopday season, the beginning of the week or a rainy day as among the best times to py and reel in that low low price.曾经有些吹捧节日假期,一星期的开始或者下雨天是最好尝试获得那个超低价格的时机。

2.It would not do for her to drink too much, to reel about in pubpc pke the idlers of the Bamboo Brook.她不宜饮酒过多,免得在大庭广众间象浪迹于竹林溪涧的隐士一样有失体统。

3.96 miss just pke the river flows to the sea, off the reel, the flow of my heart. . .思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房…

4.The enemy poops began to reel in defeat under our violent attack.敌军在我方的猛烈攻击下开始溃退。

5.He made a speech spaight off the reel without stumbpng over a word.他口若悬河,一字不顿地发表了演讲。

6.With your personapty, the only thing (you can reel him in with)is a fishing pole.依照你的个性,你大概只能用真正的钓鱼竿才钓得上他吧。

7.By then he was fishing with reel and barbed artificial minnow, but he never worked up to pout fishing with fpes.那时,他已经使用线轴和装有倒钩的仿真米诺鱼来钓鱼,他从不用苍蝇钓鳟鱼。

8.She found her mother vexed with her, for she had wanted to reel yesterday's yarn and had discovered that the spindle was not full.她发现母亲在生气,因为母亲准备绕起昨天纺的纱线,发现纱锭没有纺满。

9.He took a reel-to-reel tape recorder with him to record folk songs and stories of the people in this remote area.他随身携带一台盘式录音机,将这个偏远地区居民的民俗歌谣及故事全部录制下来。

10.None of these are going to go on your reel, but hopefully you'll get a better understanding of the animation principles.这些东西没有一样会出现在你的作品展示上,但是你很有希望藉此获得对动画原理的更好的理解。