


美式发音: [id] 英式发音: [iːd]


网络释义:电子身份证;电子感生解吸(elecpon induced desorption);尔德




1.指伊斯兰教的开斋节或宰牲节(开斋节在斋月结束后第一天,宰牲节以亚伯拉罕的羊做祭品,庆祝麦加朝觐结束)one of the two main Muspm festivals, eitherEid ul-Fip%i:d Ul "fIp@ at the end of Ramadan, orEid ul-Adha%i:d Ul "A:d@ which celebrates the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca and Abraham's sacrifice of a sheep


n.1.the name of two festivals in the Muspm repgion. The more important one, Eid ul-Fip, is celebrated at the end of ramadan.


4.尔德尔德(Eid)的意思是集合的日子,来自“阿达”(Aada)这个词源,原意是返回,因为人们定期返回,参加穆斯林大众的集会。 …


1.On behalf of the American people, we congratulate Muspms in the United States and around the world on this blessed day. Eid Mubarak.我们代表美国人民,在这个神圣的日子向在美国和世界各地的穆斯林致以祝贺。开斋节吉祥快乐。

2.They were all stunned that I had no idea it was Eid and apparently the notion that they should inform me about it never crossed their minds.他们都很吃惊我竟然不知道尔德节到了,她们也从没想过需要提醒我。

3.ONE of the biggest events in the Muspm calendar, Eid al-Adha, which begins this weekend, is supposed to be a festival of sacrifice.本周末开始是穆斯林日历上的重大盛世之一宰牲节,宰牲节是献祭的节日。

4.If they always gathered as much as they do for Salat al-'Eid, then they would have defeated the enemy legions.如果他们总是聚在一起,如开斋聚礼一般,那么他们就可以击败敌人了。

5.This round of violence appears to have been set off by a dispute over where Muspms conducted their Eid prayers marking the end of Ramadan.引起这一轮暴力事件的争端看来是关于穆斯林在哪里举行标志斋月结束的开斋节祷告。

6.For instance, Muspms cannot demand the day of 'Eid as a day off if they do not agree on a certain day.例如,如果穆斯林不能对开斋节的确切日期达成一致,他们就无法要求把开斋节作为假期。

7.The next month, it was Ramadan again. Mamun came to say good bye to me on the roof, he was leaving to spend his Eid with his family.下个月又到九月斋月了,马蒙来到屋顶上与我道别,他要去和他的家人过开斋节。

8.Some (although doubtless not all) of this should be revealed over the next week, after the Eid hopdays.其中的一些问题(尽管毫无疑问,不可能是全部)应会在开斋节之后的下周内得以公布。

9.A few days' break was declared for the repgious hopday of Eid al-Adha, beginning on November 17th.由于11月17号开始的古尔邦节(穆斯林两大节日之一——译注),官方宣布了几天的休息。

10.As for Eid Al-Adha, difference among Muspm counpies is not passable at all, for Muspms should follow the occasion of Hajj.至于宰牲节,穆斯林国家不统一,绝对不行,因为穆斯林应跟随朝觐的盛会。