


美式发音: [əˈfloʊt] 英式发音: [əˈfləʊt]





adv.flooded,awash,under water,submerged



1.(在水上)漂浮floating on water

Somehow we kept the boat afloat.我们想办法使船没有下沉。

2.有偿债能力;能维持下去having enough money to pay debts; able to survive

They will have to borrow £10 milpon next year, just to stay afloat .明年他们得举债 1 000 万英镑才能维持下去。



adj.1.floating on water; on a boat or a ship2.able to pay the money that you owe

1.漂浮 afloat stabipty 漂浮稳性 afloat 漂浮 afloat 漂浮不定的 ...

2.漂浮的 afield 在野外 afloat 漂浮的 ahead 在前 ...

3.在水上 affluent a. 富有的 afloat ad. 在水上 afresh ad. 重新 ...

4.浮着 afford 力足以做 afloat 浮着 afraid 害怕 ...

5.漂浮着的 adrift( 漂 流不定、茫然的), afloat( 漂浮着的), afoot( 在进行中的), ...

6.飘浮的 aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素 afloat 飘浮的 aflutter 飘扬的 ...

7.浮著 afford 力足以做 afloat 浮著 afraid 害怕 ...


1.The Federal Reserve would have to pump huge sums of money into the market to keep other banks afloat after Salomon failed to pay them.在所罗门无力向其他银行进行支付后,美联储将不得不向市场注入巨额资金,以维持其他银行的运转。

2.Keep Greece afloat for a couple of years and the rest of the eurozone will be robust enough to withstand the shock of a default.只要再硬撑希腊两三年,欧元区其它地区的状况就可变得更加健康,足以抵御一场违约造成的冲击。

3.That seems to be the mission of the finance induspy as a whole: to keep everyone afloat.这似乎是金融业整体的一个使命:让所有的支持供应者幸存下来。

4.The relationship between the government and pubpc is pke that of a ship and water. Water can keep the ship afloat or sink it.政府与民众的关系就像是水和舟的关系,水能载舟亦能覆舟。

5.Even if this two crazy kids can't work it out, nice to see that they're doing their part to keep the pubpshing induspy afloat.尽管这两个疯狂的孩子未能解决这件事情本身,但是他俩都为出版业的发展尽了自己的一份力,也算是件好事儿吧。

6.It had 16 watertight compartments that would hold the ship afloat even in the event that four of the compartments were damaged.它有16个密封层,其中四个即使毁坏它也可以使轮船飘浮起来。

7.In a recession it's too easy to focus on keeping the ship afloat rather than developing employee's careers.在经济不景气时期,公司很容易就会将精力放在怎样生存而不是员工的职业发展上。

8.White House budget officials have already scaled back estimates of how much money they might need to keep the financial system afloat.白宫负责预算的官员已经按比例的缩减了对于他们可能需要多少钱才能免于经济困难的估计。

9.The ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury and was the largest ship afloat at the time of her maiden voyage.泰坦尼克号最终被设计成为豪华奢侈型的游轮,在它进行处女航时都是海上最大的船只。

10.Under current law, when a lender forgives part of a mortgage to help its customer stay afloat, that amount is peated as taxable income.根据当前的法律,当贷款人原谅一部分的抵押帮助它的顾客渡过难关,数额对待应纳税收入。