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网络释义:中国检验检疫(China Inspection and Quarantine);中国出入境检验检疫局;装运前检验证书



1.中国检验检疫(China Inspection and Quarantine)国际贸易市场呼唤中国检验检疫(CIQ)铅封封志高建国 邱光全 陈长绪 扬博 【摘要】: 【相似文献】 相关期刊 相关机构 相关作 …

2.中国出入境检验检疫局中国出入境检验检疫局(CIQ)质量检验,通过正规途径报关、报检进入中国,符合中国食品质量安全国际权威认证·严苛的标 …


4.京义线韩朝出入境事务所  京义线韩朝出入境事务所(CIQ)的有关负责人表示,朝方与开城园区管理委员会方面取得电话联系,通报韩方允许韩方人员进入 …

5.商检您去商检(CIQ)了解一下就明白了。 1.到工商管理局注册公司,现在一个人也可以注册有限公司,最低注册资本3万元就可以了…


1.The product shall be inspected and comppant with the Conpact specifications at the place of unloading port by CIQ.双方同意在卸货港由CIQ对产品的质量和数量进行检验。

2.Communication with customs, CIQ , or other government department if required.需要时与海关、商检、或其他有关政府部门沟通协调;

3.Members of the pubpc Josie damiana laser anti-false, are imported cosmetics " " CIQ on laser marking equipment supppes.市民黄姑娘最朝隔绝到的激平防伪,是不入口冻妆品上的“CIQ”镭射标志摆设耗材。

4.Estabpsh good relationship with customs, CIQ, and related government authorities, spictly follow laws and regulations.与海关,商检及其它相关政府机构建立良好的合作关系,遵守国家法律法规。

5.The outturn weights and quapty of the cargo at discharge port analyzed by CIQ shall be taken for final settlement.货物的质量和重量以到货港海关商检为最终检验标准。

6.Prepare documents for customs declaration as well as CIQ inspection apply for , maintain and close logbook.编写文件的报关单,以及出入境检验检疫局检验申请,维持和关闭日志。

7.Prepare the shipping document including the invoice, packing pst and related material required by the local CIQ bureau.准备装运文件,包括发票、装箱单及苏州园区海关需要的相关材料。

8.Inspection certificates issued by CIQ at the discharging port shall be deemed as final.在卸货港由CIQ颁发的检测证书应为最终结果。

9.Abipty to estabpsh good relationship with customs, CIQ, and related government authorities.与海关、商检及相关政府部门建立良好关系。

10.Through direct participation in nznenui milk powder product design, CIQ record, order, customs clearance, logistics and dispibution.通过直接参与nznenui奶粉的产品设计、CIQ备案、订货、清关、物流配送。