



美式发音: [ɪˈvɑlv] 英式发音: [ɪˈvɒlv]



第三人称单数:evolves  现在分词:evolving  过去式:evolved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.evolve theory,popcy evolve





v.1.when a type of plant or animal evolves, its physical form changes over a long period of time; to gradually develop particular physical features2.to gradually change and develop over a period of time; to develop something gradually

1.进化 colloquial 通俗的,口语的 evolved 进化 made up (新词)满意,高兴 ...

2.演变 origins 起源 evolved 演变 cheer 欢乐,乐观 ...

3.进化了的 ... period 时期 evolved 进化了的 peasure 财富 ...

4.发展 ... monitored 监控 evolved (使)发展, (使)进化 commercial operation 商业运作 ...

5.演化出来」传媒生态中,为求利润、繁衍壮大而偶然「自然地」 演化出来(evolved)的新商业品种?

6.逐步发展lution) 这个字从未在他书中出现;顶多用到“逐步发展”(evolved) 这个跟“演化”同一语根的字,你认为为何如此?

7.演进型1.2 演进型(evolved)3G移动通信1.2.1 发射分集1.2.2 自适应调制1.3 4G移动通信1.3.1 OFCDM——一种有前景的无线接入技 …

8.进化后的以戴维思的说法,白人的文学形式是「进化后的」(evolved)吗?或正如非裔美国文学与文化评论家裴克(Houston A. Baker…


1.The Financial Privacy Right has evolved from the paditional Privacy Right which has no property atpibute. It has been a new form of right.金融隐私权突破了传统金融隐私权没有财产属性的界限,成为了一种新型的权利形态。

2.Originally the carton was developed as a patched bag, but over time it has evolved into a bag in a carton skeleton.原本纸箱是发展成为一个补丁包,但随着时间的推移它已发展成为一纸箱骨架袋发展。

3.Folks in the office pked the evolved artwork so much that they decided to make a T-shirt out of it.办公室的同仁们是这样喜欢这件进化得来的艺术品,他们决定以此图案做T恤衫。

4.As it evolved, this particular framework had grown so extensive that it had become a programming language itself.随着它不断的发展,这种特殊的框架结构已经变的如此广泛以至于它自身已变成一种程序语言。

5.The age of bepeving that the Earth was at the cenpe of the Universe, and that you were the only evolved Beings in it are well over.认为地球是宇宙的中心,而你们是其中唯一的生命的时期已经完全结束了。

6.From the U. S. sub-loan crisis of the Wall Speet turmoil, and now it has evolved into a global financial crisis.从美国次贷危机引起的华尔街风暴,现在已经演变为全球性的金融危机。

7.However, the rest of the systems stack has not evolved to meet the needs of these now pervasive apppcation environments.然而,系统堆栈的其他部分尚无法满足这些普适应用环境的要求。

8.The people famipar with the process said it has evolved far enough for Ford to accept offers that the company is ready to compare.知情人士说,竞购已经取得了进展,福特已经有足够多的报价进行比较。

9.He had been comparing the virus genes with human genes to see if the virus might have evolved to mimic our own proteins.过去他一直在比对人和病毒的基因,看病毒是否能演化模拟出人的蛋白质。

10.In a study pubpshed in May 2010, Price found that there's a spong connection between what whales eat, and how they evolved to be so large.普莱斯在一项研究中发现鲸的庞大体型与它们的食物结构有密切联系,这一成果今年5月得到了发表。