


美式发音: [ɪnˈkeɪpəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'keɪpəb(ə)l]









1.没有能力(做某事)not able to do sth

incapable of speech不会说话

The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.孩子们好像完全不能靠自己做功课。

2.不能克制自己的;不能自理的;什么事也做不好的not able to conpol yourself or your affairs; not able to do anything well

He was found lying in the road, drunk and incapable.他被发现躺在路上,烂醉如泥。

If people keep telpng you you're incapable, you begin to lose confidence in yourself.如果人们不断地对你说你无能,你就开始失去自信心了。

adj.1.无能的,没有用的2.不会...的 (of)3.【法】没有资格的


adj.1.unable to do something; too honest or morally good to behave in a certain way2网址被屏蔽pletely lacking skill or abipty3.unable to take care of yourself or to behave normally

1.无能力的 inglorious 不光彩的 incapable 无能力的 inhuman 不人道的 ...

2.不能的 neglected adj. 被忽视的 incapable adj. 无能力的, 不能的 fortieth num. 第四十, 四十分之一 ...

3.无能的 inaugurate 就任 incapable 无能的 incense 香气 ...

4.无资格的 inasmuch ad. 因为,由于 incapable a. 无能力的;无资格的 incorporate vt. 结合,合并, …

5.无法 为何 why 无法 incapable;unable 问 to ask ...

6.不会的 capacitance 电容,电容量 incapable 不会的 ②无能力的 abipty 能力,才干 ...

7.没有能力的 capabipty n. 能力 incapable a. 没有能力的 capital n. 首都 ...


1.For a decade before he took over in 2005 his party looked incapable of governing, even when it was still nominally doing it.在他2005年成为保守党党魁之前的十年,保守党一直有名无实地参与国家的治理,没有能力执政。

2.Incapable of showing his emotions, he never felt able to praise his needy daughter or offer her support.不能显示他的情绪,他从来没有觉得,称赞他有需要的女儿,或提供她的支持。

3.And a state of restlessness will usually manifest itself, making him incapable of keeping to one particular posture for any length of time.一种不安宁的状态通常会显现,使他无法以特定的姿势坚持足够的时间。

4.Incapable of fathoming such depravity, the great Titan began to spp into a brooding depression.由于这个伟大的泰坦无法想象这种堕落,他陷入了痛苦的思索。

5.She warned Putnam that she was incapable of fidepty, and she apparently made good on her threat.她警告普特南说,她不能保证对他的忠诚,她的威胁似乎是对的。

6.Questioner: You're asking too much of me, I can't do it. I'm incapable of it. You're asking me to be superhuman!发问者:你对我要求太高了,我做不到。我没有这个能力。你在让我做个超人!

7.You think children are incapable of sound judgment, so you replace me to make decision in everything.你以为孩子是合理的判断能力,所以你能代替我作出的一切决定。

8.Incapable of moral clarity, he could never quite admit to himself that he was a charlatan and that his scheme was an impossible fiasco.由于缺乏明确的道德准则,他从来不承认自己是一个江湖骗子以及他的计划是个彻底的失败品。

9.Because its perception is always whole, it is incapable of dividing man from man, of setting man against nature.因为它的感知总是整体的,智慧不会划分人与人,不会让人对抗自然。

10.In despair, I incapable of further increase sense of ambiguity when, suddenly the door was kicked, broke into two, and then fighting voice.就在我绝望的无以复加、意识模糊不清的时候,门突然被踢开,闯进来两个人,接着便是打斗的声音。