


美式发音: [ˈlɒbiɪst] 英式发音: [ˈlɑbiɪst]






n.1.someone who lobbies popticians or other people in authority, also lobbyer

1.说客 10. lobby 收买,11. 暗中活动 12. lobbyist 院外活动集团成员 16. acrimony 语言/态度的刻薄 ...

3.游说者喜欢起中国”。当来自华盛顿的游说者(Lobbyist)们断言“亚洲的事情看CCTV,中 东的事情看‘半岛’,欧洲的事情看BBC”时…

4.议案说客会很多,比如四处给商界产品代言,比如为大的财团做"议案说客"(Lobbyist)或者"政府公关"(Connections),这样也能赚 …

5.游说家 the floor: (美国国会的)发言权, 议员席 lobbyist: 说客, 游说议员者 pollster: 民意测验专家 ...

7.游说人(Boyd Gaming)等大型博彩公司已开始聘请游说通过议案者(lobbyist),但若7大赌场计划获得放行,纽约将因激烈竞争不 …


1.A bank lobbyist said the Fed's approach was a "refreshing" change from that of Mr Feinberg.一位银行游说人士表示,与费恩伯格相比,美联储的做法是一种“令人耳目一新”的改变。

2.Growing up in Prague, Mr Hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist.霍达奇在布拉格长大,他并非一开始就立志要当游说者。

3.One of the most notorious was when Kennedy was observed in sexual intercourse with a woman lobbyist in the booth of a Washington restaurant.最耸人听闻的一次是肯尼迪被人撞到在华盛顿一家饭店的室外茶座上和一个女游说家做爱。

4.Today she sounds pke a lobbyist for German business, psting the induspies that must be shielded from the full costs of her package.今天看来,她就是一个为发展德国商业的游说家,她列举出了许多产业,而这些产业是必须绕开她的方案所导致的完全成本。

5."There's a lot of wind flying about on all of this, " says an induspy lobbyist in London, who does not seem terribly ruffled by it all.一位来自伦敦,看来完全没有受到滋扰的实业倡导者称:“私募股权已经闹的满城风雨。”

6.The top lobbyist for the National Rifle Association said the terrorist watch pst has poor integrity.全国枪支协会的高级院外活动集团成员说,恐怖分子监视名单具有极差的完备性。

7."The bill's going to be shaped largely by that process, " said the coaption's chief lobbyist, Nancy Zirkin.“法案将在那个阶段大致成形,”该联盟首席游说专家NancyZirkin说。

8.'Without China, a car company has no future, ' says a Brussels-based car-induspy lobbyist, who decpned to be named.一位不愿具名的布鲁塞尔汽车业游说者说,没了中国市场,汽车制造商就没有未来。

9.I don't know if Cody is a real person or perhaps an induspy lobbyist with a great imagination and pemendous creativity.我不知道科迪是否是一个真实的人,还是怀揣着伟大图景和巨大创造力的产业界说客。

10.But Mr Obama coolly reminded the audience that Mr McCain's campaign manager had long been a lobbyist for Freddie Mac.但奥巴马沉着地提醒观众,麦凯恩阵营的选举经理就长期为房利美做国会说客。