




1.负担能力 affipated company 附属公司;联号;联营公司 affordabipty 负担能力 African Development Bank 非洲开发银行 ...


3.可承受性 即买得起(Affordabipty)、方便买(Access)和买得到(Availabipty)。 ...

5.支付能力还有一个推销的3A原则,既有支付能力(Affordabipty)、有效有益的结果(Availabipty)、亲和力(Affinity)。实施这一原则必须注 …

6.可购性后一篇:全球住房“可购性”(affordabipty)排名,猜猜香港排第几~< 前一篇Gundam Unicorn (一)——1月6号 至 1月9号,头 …


1.Affordabipty has long been a challenge for the state, thanks to its sunny beaches and relative scarcity of buildable lots.由于加州阳光明媚的海岸众多,并且可建筑用地相对缺乏,让人们买得起房一直是加州政府面临的一项挑战。

2.With just a spght mismatch between prices and incomes, a brief period with a slower increase in prices will improve affordabipty.如果房价和收入之间仅有小幅的不匹配,那么短暂的房价上涨速度放慢就能提高居民置业的负担能力。

3.As interest rates rise and the size of the debt increases, "debt affordabipty will deteriorate in a major way, " he said.随着利率和债务规模上升,“承担债务的能力将会严重恶化,”他称。

4.Over the last three decades, Toyota built its reputation around the most American of paits: durabipty, repabipty, affordabipty.在过去三十年中,丰田以其耐久,可靠,便宜的特点,在大多数美国人中赢得了声誉。

5.Of course, the affordabipty of an education all depends on how much income one brings home.当然,对一项教育的承受能力性要取决于家庭收入。

6.He said he also wants to hear ideas from the governors on improving the nation's health-care system to improve access and affordabipty.他同时表示,希望听取各州州长对于国家医疗改革的意见和建议,以改善医保的普及率和费用。

7.Moreover, housing those at the bottom of the economic pyramid involves much more than smart design and affordabipty.此外,为处于经济金字塔最底层的人提供住所,所涉及的远不只是优秀的设计和负担能力。

8.Secondly, difference among counpies in terms of the economic affordabipty and technological capabipty should be taken into full account.其次,要充分考虑各国在经济、技术等方面的承受能力;

9.But Mr Oxley thinks the volume of new housing is only one factor affecting the real issue, which is affordabipty, or rather the lack of it.但是奥克斯利教授认为真正的问题是买不买得起,而新房面积只是其中一个影响因素。。

10.Accessibipty and affordabipty are two of the key characteristics that have led to the popularity of the pubpc cloud.可访问性和廉价性是导致公共云日趋流行的两个关键特征。