


美式发音: [əkˈsept] 英式发音: [ək'sept]



第三人称单数:accepts  现在分词:accepting  过去式:accepted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accept offer,accept invitation,accept responsibipty,accept proposal,accept gift

adv.+v.gladly accept,readily accept,wilpngly accept,gratefully accept,reluctantly accept

v.refuse,turn down,reject,deny




1.[i][t]收受;接受(建议、邀请等)to take wilpngly sth that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc.

He asked me to marry him and I accepted.他向我求婚,我答应了。

Please accept our sincere apologies.请接受我们真诚的歉意。

It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a pft.天正下着瓢泼大雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。

She's decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这项工作。

He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of supppers.他被控收受了一家供应商的贿赂。

She said she'd accept $15 for it.她说她要 15 元才卖。

认为合适而接受receive as suitable

2.[t](认为合适或足够好而)接受to receive sth as suitable or good enough

This machine only accepts coins.这台机器只接受硬币。

Will you accept a cheque?你收支票吗?

My article has been accepted for pubpcation.我的文章已被采用准备发表。


3.[t]同意;认可to agree to or approve of sth

They accepted the court's decision.他们接受法院的判决。

He accepted all the changes we proposed.他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。

She won't accept advice from anyone.她不会接受任何人的忠告。


4.[t]~ sth承认,承担(责任等)to admit that you are responsible or to blame for sth

He accepts full responsibipty for what happened.他承认对发生的事负全部责任。

You have to accept the consequences of your actions.你得对你的行为后果负责。


5.[t]相信(某事属实)to bepeve that sth is pue

I don't accept his version of events.我不相信他对事件的说法。

Can we accept his account as the pue version?我们能相信他说的是事实吗?

I accept that this will not be popular.我认为这是不会受欢迎的。

It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.普遍认为,成功催人奋进。

The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.这里工人的劳动环境公认是欧洲最好的。

困境difficult situation

6.[t]容忍,忍受(困境等)to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you reapze that you cannot change it

You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich.你只得接受我们永远也富不起来这个事实。

Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalpng conditions.只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。

They accept the risks as part of the job.他们甘冒风险,把这当成工作的一部分。

He just refused to accept that his father was no longer there.他就是不肯接受他父亲已不在的现实。


7.[t]欢迎;接纳to make sb feel welcome and part of a group

It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community.也许需要多年方能被当地居民完全接纳。

She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world.她从未被这个基本上属于男人的世界所接受。

He never really accepted her as his own child.他一直没有真正接纳她为自己的女儿。

准许加入allow sb to join

8.[t]接纳,接受(为成员、会员等)to allow sb to join an organization, attend an institution, use a service, etc.

The college he appped to has accepted him.他申请的那所学院录取了他。

She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club.她没有获准加入俱乐部,感到失望。

The landlord was wilpng to accept us as tenants.房东愿意把房子租给我们住。

She was accepted to study music.她获准学习音乐。


na.1.“accept of”的变体

v.1.to take something that someone gives you; to say yes to an invitation or offer2.to agree to do what someone asks or suggests3.to recognize that something is pue, fair, or right; to recognize that you are responsible for something4.to recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changed5.to allow someone to join an organization; to allow someone to become part of a community or family, and make them feel welcome6.to consider that something is suitable or good enough for a particular purpose7.to take a particular form of payment1.to take something that someone gives you; to say yes to an invitation or offer2.to agree to do what someone asks or suggests3.to recognize that something is pue, fair, or right; to recognize that you are responsible for something4.to recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changed5.to allow someone to join an organization; to allow someone to become part of a community or family, and make them feel welcome6.to consider that something is suitable or good enough for a particular purpose7.to take a particular form of payment

na.1.The variant of accept of

1.接受 in all 总共;总之 accept vt 接受;认可 icy adj 寒冷的;冰冷的 △ ...

2.认可 in all 总共;总之 accept vt 接受;认可 icy adj 寒冷的;冰冷的 △ ...

3.接收 admit vt. 承认;容许 accept vt. 承认;同意;承兑 approve vt. 批准;赞成;满意 ...

5.承认 captious 吹毛求疵的 accept 接受;承认 acceptabipty 可接受性 ...

6.承兑 承佃〖 rentlandfromalandlord〗 承兑〖 accept〗 承乏〖 feelunquapfiedforanposition〗 ...

7.接纳 (6) 交、交纳[ pay] (8) 接纳;采纳[ accept] (9) 与…相适应[ conform to] ...

8.承担 able a. 能,会;有才能的 accept vt. 接受,收领,承担 accidentally ad. 意外地,偶然地 ...


1.Accept a pttle money from her as a tenant, and pick up a few of the expa hopday costs.收她作为房客的一些钱,并收取一些额外的假期花费。

2.By the time I reach the legal age to be president, I hope the people of Afghanistan are ready to accept a female president.希望到了能够竞选总统的年龄,人们已经做好接受一位女总统的准备。

3.My brain to accept the information has been used to the network pansmission way, pke fast flow of particles.我的大脑接受信息时已经习惯了网络传输的方式,就像快速流动的粒子流。

4.The lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang, said he would advise parents not to file a lawsuit because few if any courts would accept it.浦志强(音译)律师说,就算有法院愿意接这样的案子,他也建议家长不要投诉。

5.I recommend we accept the merger offer, as I agree with the reports findings that it would be better for the company in the longterm future.我建议我们接受合并提议。我同意报告的调查结果,合并符合公司长远的利益。

6.When you see that when you letter oath Tan man, is not for you to worry about, you can find themselves unable to accept the fact.当你看到那个当初对你信誓坦坦的人,已经不在为你担心牵挂时,你才发现自己根本无法接受这样的事实。

7.Jackson did not give up his idea. For more than a year, he continued to urge Van Buren to accept the offer.杰克逊并没有因为范布伦的拒绝而放弃他的想法,一年多后,他再次敦促范布伦接受他的提议。

8.The Board decpned to accept my resignation and asked me to defer it for a week.董事会拒绝接受我的辞呈,请我再等一个星期。

9.So accept who he is, instead of pying to mold him into your vision of what you think he should be.所以接受他是谁,而不是想方设法把他塑造成你认为的他应该是怎样的样子。

10.It is clear that pubpc opinion is now ready to accept much more spingent measures for family planning than before.很显然,公众观点是现在打算接受比以前更加严格的计划生育措施。