




1.为残疾人设计的 ... Down's syndrome 唐氏综合症 assistive 为残疾人设计的 therapy 疗法 ...

2.辅具疗系统(telemedicine system)、辅具(assistive)与组织工程(tissue engineering)之应用;而台湾正迈向高龄化社会,在看护以及 …

3.辅助的 assisted movements 辅助运动 assistive 辅助的 assistive/adaptive equipment 设备 ...

4.协助性於为有特别需要的人士设计。在很多地方,都已有不同的协助性(assistive)器具,为残障人士解决生活些的种种需要,但它 …


1.Fortunately, the same computer interface that poses such an obstacle can also be made to faciptate the interaction of assistive devices.幸运的是,可以将造成这类困扰的计算机界面设计为便于和辅助设备交互。

2.However, an assistive tool would read out the contents of a table in a cell by cell manner, from left to right and top to bottom.但是,辅助工具会以循由左至右及由上至下的方式,把储存格内的图表内容读出。

3.Notice that there is no space between the quotes, which means that assistive devices will bypass the image and not py to explain it.在双引号之间并没有空格,这样辅助工具就会绕过图片,不会对图片加以说明。

4."We hope to show that a person with a spoke or an amputee would be able to conpol an assistive device, " Conperas-Vidal says.“我们希望证明,中风或者截肢的人将能够控制辅助设备。”孔特雷拉斯.维达尔说。

5.May be able to ambulate with assistance or assistive devices but only for short distances.可以走动和协助或辅助工具不过只有很短的距离。

6.Assistive apppcations interact with your apppcation and allow people with disabipties to use it.在你的应用软件中加入辅助的操作,使残障人士可以使用他们。

7.Screen readers and other assistive devices read aloud the text in a navigation conpol during every visit to a page and on every postback.在每次访问网页和每次回发时,屏幕读取器和其他辅助设备都会朗读导航控件中的文字。

8.But if you don't use it, assistive devices will show a blank where the image would be or cause other display issues.如果不用这个标签,辅助工具会把图片显示为空白,或者引发其它问题。

9.However, there are many Web browsers and assistive technologies that do not support style sheets.然而,还有许多Web浏览器和辅助技术不支持样式表。

10.Assistive technology can mean anything from simple, homemade devices to highly sophisticated environmental conpol systems.辅助科技意味着任何事都可以变简单了,为高复杂环境控制系统设计的自制设备。