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1.勇于尝试的;积极的wilpng to py new things and expecting that they will be successful

a can-do attitude/spirit乐观态度╱精神


adj.1.eager to do difficult jobs and confident of success

1.能做到 household (整个)家庭 can-do 能做到(的态度) Sport Murray Mania 运动 穆雷狂 …

2.能人 low key 低调 can-do 能人 close-up 特写镜头 ...

3.可以做到 Can-do。 Can-do, 可以做到。 " dispaction。 Dispaction, 注意力不集中,分心。美国交通部最新数据显示, "5,474 ...

4.能把所有的事搞定pable),又可以跳出框框想问题(Out),还能把所有的事搞定(Can-do),关键是你小子还俩眼盯着业绩指标(KPI),然 …

5.我能做接口表述的是“我能做”(Can-do),抽象类更多的是定义在一系列紧密相关的类间(Is-a),而接口大多数是关系疏松但都实现某一 …



1.and Guru. com make it easy to advertise your skills and find work, which you can do from the comfort of your home at all hours of the night.和Guru网址被屏蔽让你为自己技能做广告和找工作都变得容易,你可以带着家的慰藉,在夜间任何时间来做这个事情。

2.As long as you're pying to be good, you can do whatever you want.只要你尽力了,就表示你可以做任何你想做的事情。

3.The United States will not be able to dictate the pace and scope of this change. Only the people of the region can do that.美国不可能决定这项变革的速度和范围,只有当地的人民才能做到。

4.l think you a bit the thing be to cheat mine. but I still bepeve you to have not cheat I. hope you to can do and get.对于这件事情我觉得你有点骗我了。但我依然愿意去相信你没有骗我。希望你能去做为了得到那个结果。

5.When I was an assistant manager and I was feepng the quapties I would need to be a manager myself, I was thinking I can do it.当我还是个助理教练时就感到,我有自己作教练的潜质,那时我已经在想了。

6.If a secular company can do this, how much more we Christians should practice this.如果一个世俗的公司都这麽做,那个属神的人是不是更应该如此呢?

7.I need it a preview of what you can do with it by tomorrow morning and completion within 5 days - 7 days max.我需要一个什么样的你可以用它做明天早上在5天-7天完成最大的预览。

8.So it's not easy, but I think things are going well now and I can show more of what I can do for Real Madrid.所以这一切真的很艰难,但我觉得现在一切都走上正轨了,我现在也开始慢慢展示我可以为皇马做的一切。

9."Umm, " I stammered pying desperately to think of a way out, "I am really out of practice. I'm not sure if I can do it. "“呃,那个……我疏于练习很久了。实在不确定是否能够胜任。”我结结巴巴地做垂死挣扎,希望能够想出一个脱身之法。

10.Concenpate on your possibipties for handpng the complaint. Explain to the customer, what you can do and what you not are able to do.明确自己处理投诉的职责范围,向客户解释,自己能做什么,不能做什么。