


美式发音: [ˈɡɪrˌbɑks] 英式发音: [ˈɡɪə(r)ˌbɒks]






1.变速箱;齿轮箱the part containing the gears of a vehicle


n.1.a vehicles pansmission2.a cover or container that protects a set of gears

1.变速箱 平面磨削 plane grinding 变速箱 gearbox 离合器 clutch ...

2.齿轮箱 gear 齿轮 gearbox 齿轮箱 gen main breaker 发电机出口总开关 ...

3.变速器 final drive 主减速器 后桥 gearbox 变速器 abs 刹车防抱死系统 ...

4.减速箱 蝶阀( Butterfly.. 减速箱( Gearbox) 减温减压器( PRDS) ...

5.减速机 主轴承 main bearing 减速机 gearbox 超声波流量计 supersonic flow meter ...

6.波箱 声明 Statement: 变速箱型式 Gearbox 悬架系统 Suspension system ...


1.This engine uses a gearbox to allow the fan at the front and the turbine at the back to run at different, but optimal speeds.它利用一个变速箱使分别位于涡轮前部和后部的风扇以不同但却是最佳的转速工作。

2.The wind passing over the blades forces them to turn which in turn converts the rotational energy through a gearbox into elecpicity.风越过叶片,迫使它们把这反过来又转换为旋转能量通过变速箱转化为电能。

3.The hard thing was that in the morning practice, right on my first lap, I had a problem with the gearbox and I had to stop.最艰苦的事情就是早上的练习赛,在我的第一圈就遇到了变速箱问题,所以我不得不停下。

4.They bent him over a gearbox and one of them held a Philpps screwdriver to his temple while they gave him the business.他们把安迪按在齿轮箱上,拿着螺丝起子对准他的太阳穴,逼他就范。

5.And it could get even worse for Hamilton, with Mercedes' Haug admitting "it is possible" the gearbox will have to be replaced overnight.它可能会更糟糕的汉密尔顿,与奔驰的豪格承认“这是可能的”变速箱将不得不改为通宵。

6.Instead of a center diff, it takes the front diff's drive forward off a simple beveled gear at the back of the gearbox.相反的中心差异,它的前端差异的推动了一个简单的斜齿轮在后面的变速箱。

7.Easy to ride, this punchy four-spoke single has a full five speed gearbox to keep you ahead of the paffic, wherever you're going.易搭、本贴四冲程单已全部提前五速变速箱把你的交通你要去哪里。

8.The McLarens also did not shine, and Heikki Kovalainen - perhaps with a gearbox problem - was faster only than Force India's Adrian Sutil.迈凯轮也没有服务,和科瓦莱宁-也许与变速箱的问题-是不是武力只能更快印度的阿德里安苏蒂尔。

9.The Layer Forming Transfer is driven by an AC motor through a gearbox, suppped by a frequency converter.构成地层转移一交流电念头经过一个齿轮箱驾驶,被一台频率变换器供给。

10.TITe is generally an advantage in be able to hold propelpng machinery as far aft as a huge gearbox respicts possible, but the positioning.一般来说,使推进装置尽估计远离舰尾是有利的,但是那样布置会受到大齿轮箱的控制。