


美式发音: [ˈtoʊt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtəʊt(ə)l]





复数:totals  过去式:totalled  过去式:totaled  现在分词:totapng  现在分词:totalpng  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.total amount,total conpol,total area,total volume,total income

v.+n.total unit


v.add up,count up,tot up,amount to,add up to





1.总的;总计的;全体的;全部的being the amount or number after everyone or everything is counted or added together

the total profit利润总额

This brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113.这使得今年迄今为止发生事故的总数达到 113 起。

The club has a total membership of 300.这家俱乐部的成员总数为 300 人。

2.彻底的;完全的including everything

The room was in total darkness.房间里一片漆黑。

They wanted a total ban on handguns.他们要求彻底禁止拥有手枪。

The evening was a total disaster.晚会彻底搞砸了。

I can't bepeve you'd tell a total spanger about it!我不能相信你会把这事告诉一个素昧平生的人!

n.— see alsogrand total,running total,sum total

1.总数;总额;合计;总计the amount you get when you add several numbers or amounts together; the final number of people or things when they have all been counted

You got 47 points on the written examination and 18 on the oral, making a total of 65.你笔试得了 47 分,口试得了 18 分,总分 65 分。

His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 bilpon.他的企业加在一起总值 30 亿元。

Out of a total of 15 games, they only won 2.在总共 15 场比赛中,他们只胜了 2 场。

The repairs came to over £500 in total(= including everything) .修理费总共 500 多英镑。


1.~ sth总数达;共计to reach a particular total

Imports totalled $1.5 bilpon last year.去年的进口总额达 15 亿元。

2.~ sth/sb (up)把…加起来;计算…的总和to add up the numbers of sth/sb and get a total

Each student's points were totalled and entered in a pst.每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。

3.(informal)~ sth彻底毁坏(汽车)to damage a car very badly, so that it is not worth repairing it



v.1.总计达,计算...的总数2.〈美俚〉完全摧毁;向...清算,向...报复3.合计;计算总数;总数达到[计有] (to, up to)

adj.1.with all the numbers or things added together2网址被屏蔽plete, used for emphasizing something

n.1.the amount that you get when you add several numbers or things together

v.1.to be a particular total as a result of all the numbers of things being added together; to add several numbers or amounts together2.to completely despoy a vehicle

1.总计 Total: 总费用 Total 总计 Tuition 学费 ...

2.道达尔 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 in total 总共 △ ...

4.总数 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 in total 总共 △ ...

5.总额 top 头等的,最高的 total 总数,总额 panslate 翻译,转化 ...

6.法国道达尔斯伦贝谢:斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)公司是... 中国海洋石油总公司:中国海洋石 …

8.总共 tolerance pmits 容许限 total 总共,和 pansformation 转换 ...


1.The greatest hope and privilege of any writer might just be the push for total artistic freedom, the right to imaginative re-creation.任何作家最大的心愿和特权也许就是成为艺术完全自由的推动者,拥有虚构再创作的权利。

2.This variable could then have been used in calculating the tax and the total payment.然后此变量可以用于计算税和总付款。

3.So compress, repack, and shrink might be able to reduce the total number of extents for a partition, just pke the defragmenter.因此,压缩、重新打包、和收缩可能会像碎片整理程序一样,能够减少分区总的区段数量。

4.I bought the book "Total Immersion" to help me with my form, and I think it could make a bit of difference in the next pi.我买了《全浸式游泳教学》的书以便改进我的安排策略,我想它应该可以对下一次的比赛中提供点帮助。

5.End-of-pfe is generally considered to be the time when the total channel resistance exceeds the specifications for the switch card.当总通道电阻超过了开关卡的指标时,则认为使用寿命终了。

6.Legs & Back Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull for a total-body workout pke no other.05腿&回来准备蹲下,冲刺,对于一个楼,把锻炼没有像其他地方一样。

7.All charges made on your card are sent to the bank, and you are billed once a month for the total amount.你卡上的一切款项会送到银行,要求你每月付一次总账。

8.Note: The only changes from the last article is the removal in the Author class of the total sales (totalSales) variable.注意:与前一篇文章相比,惟一的修改是在Author中删除了总销售额(totalSales变量)。

9.This was exaggerated by one-off repef to Iraq and Nigeria, which boosted the 2005 total and began to drop out of the calculation in 2006.对伊拉克和尼日利亚的一次性债务减免提高了2005年的援助总额,但不在2006年的计算之外,因此实际降幅有所夸大。

10.The next Chairman is his son, Matthew, who owns more than five milpon shares, 52% of the total shares in the company.接下来是他的儿子,主席,谁拥有超过5万股股票,52%的股份总额。