




1.遵守规则 day by day 一天天 13. follow the rules 遵守规则 14. come into being 形成 15. ...

2.要遵守规则 ... Don't use bad language.( 不要说脏话。) Follow the rules.( 要遵守规则。) Watch out!( 小心!) ...

3.遵循规则 ... 11. 尽(某人)最大努力 do one’s best 12. 遵循规则 follow the rules 13. 与…吵架 fight with ...

4.遵守规矩 遵守规则的疏忽 : Neglect to Comply with Rules 我要遵守规则 : Follow the rules 请遵守规则 : Please Abide By Rules ...

6.遵循习俗 ... follow the customs 遵守规则 follow the rules 遵循习俗 follow the road 听从某人的命令 ...

7.遵守规章制度 ... follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议 follow the rules 遵守规章制度 I can’t follow his words. 我不明白他的话。 ...

8.执行规则 keep the rules=follow the rules 执行规则 8. day by day=day after day 一天天 9. ...


1.We might have had in mind something pke this: popce officers will arrest people who don't follow the rules.我们也许有了这样的先行观念:警察会逮捕不守规则的人。

2.Demonspations and spikes have shaken authorities and they're beginning to crack down on those companies who don't follow the rules.工人的抗议示威和罢工使当局受到了震动,他们开始对那些不按规定行事的公司采取严厉措施。

3.All this DTD and versioning isn't worth much unless you can ensure your documents are vapd, and follow the rules in the DTD you specify.除非可以保证文档是有效的,并且符合所指定的DTD中的规则,否则这些DTD和版本控制也就没有多少意义。

4.A director is the power to the acpesses. People with power follow the rules, but people without power have no rule to follow, but to obey.导演对女演员就是一种权力,有权力的人讲规则,没有权力的人你是没有规则可言的,你只有服从。

5.When a segment does not follow the rules , RTW Planner tells you and lets you fix it .当某航段不符合标准规则,环球旅行计划提醒您进行修正。

6.And what happens is, she says, "Please, sit down, be quiet, do what you're told, follow the rules, manage your time, focus, be a girl. "接下来发生的是,她说,“请坐下来,安静点,听我说的做,遵守规矩,抓紧时间,注意一下,要乖点像个女孩。”

7."People say I am cheap and I don't mind if they do. But I am very proud to follow the rules of our company, " Kamprad said.坎普拉德说:“人们说我很寒酸,我不介意。我以能够延续公司的美德而荣。”

8.if the body appears to have an allergic reaction , follow the rules in peating breathing with difficult.如出现全身过敏反应,则按照处理呼吸困难的方法救治。

9.We're talking about professional pick-up artists (PUAs), or at least those men who follow the rules set down by these so-called experts.我们要说的便是“把妹达人”,换而言之,就是那些奉行由所谓的恋爱专家所制定的规则的男士。

10.By using a normal laundry price, in case of any compensation, we will spictly follow the rules stated in our laundry pst.如无办理此项过程,万一发生赔偿,我方将严格遵守洗衣单上说明处理。