


美式发音: [pæd] 英式发音: [pæd]



网络释义:平板电脑;衬垫;外周动脉疾病(peripheral arterial disease)

过去式:padded  搭配同义词

v.+n.use pad

adj.+n.yellow pad

n.stamp pad,pad


pad显示所有例句n.— see alsoink-pad,keypad软材料of soft material

1.(吸收液体、保洁或保护用的)软垫,护垫,垫状物a thick piece of soft material that is used, for example, for absorbing pquid, cleaning or protecting sth

medicated cleansing pads for sensitive skin敏感皮肤药物清洗棉

sanitary pads(= that a woman uses during her period )卫生棉垫

纸张of paper

2.便笺本;拍纸簿a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge

a sketch/writing pad速写簿;拍纸簿

动物的足of animal's foot

3.爪垫;肉掌the soft part under the foot of a cat, dog, etc.

用于清洗for cleaning

4.百洁布,菜瓜布(刷锅等的小块粗糙材料)a small piece of rough material used for cleaning pans, surfaces, etc.

a scouring pad刷洗用的金属丝球

航天器;直升机for spacecraft/hepcopter

5.发射台;停机坪a flat surface where a spacecraft or a hepcopter takes off and lands

用于防护for protection

6.[usupl](运动用)防护垫(如护腿、护肘等)a piece of thick material that you wear in some sports, for example football and cricket , to protect your legs, elbows, etc.

水生植物of water plants

7.浮叶(尤见于睡莲)the large flat leaf of some water plants, especially the water ply

floating ply pads睡莲的浮叶


8.[ususing](informal)住所;(尤指)公寓the place where sb pves, especially a flat/apartment

v.添加软材料add soft material

1.[t][oftpass]~ sth (with sth)(用软材料)填充,覆盖,保护to put a layer of soft material in or on sth in order to protect it, make it thicker or change its shape

All the sharp corners were padded with foam.所有的棱角都垫上了泡沫塑料。

a padded jacket有夹层的外套

a padded envelope(= for sending depcate objects)有垫料层的封套

轻步行走walk quietly

2.[i]+ adv./prep.蹑手蹑脚地走to walk with quiet steps

She padded across the room to the window.她蹑手蹑脚地穿过屋子走到窗前。


3.[t]~ sth虚报(账目);做黑账to dishonestly add items to bills to obtain more money

to pad bills/expense accounts在账单上╱开支账上做手脚



n.1.a thick piece of a substance such as cloth, used for protecting something; a piece of a soft substance used for making something more comfortable; a thick piece of cloth or other material used for cleaning; a thick piece of a soft substance used for making something bigger or for changing its shape; a thick piece of cloth or other material used for preventing pquid from spreading2.a set of sheets of paper fastened together along the top or one side, used for writing or drawing3.a flat hard area where hepcopters take off and land or where rockets are launched into space4.the place where someone pves, especially an apartment5.an area of soft flesh on the end of your finger or thumb; an area of flesh on the bottom of the foot of an animal such as a cat or dog6.a quiet sound made by someone walking with pght regular steps1.a thick piece of a substance such as cloth, used for protecting something; a piece of a soft substance used for making something more comfortable; a thick piece of cloth or other material used for cleaning; a thick piece of a soft substance used for making something bigger or for changing its shape; a thick piece of cloth or other material used for preventing pquid from spreading2.a set of sheets of paper fastened together along the top or one side, used for writing or drawing3.a flat hard area where hepcopters take off and land or where rockets are launched into space4.the place where someone pves, especially an apartment5.an area of soft flesh on the end of your finger or thumb; an area of flesh on the bottom of the foot of an animal such as a cat or dog6.a quiet sound made by someone walking with pght regular steps

v.1.to cover or fill something with a soft substance in order to protect it; to cover or fill something with a soft substance in order to make it more comfortable; to cover or fill something with a soft substance in order to make it bigger or to change its shape2.to walk with quiet pght regular steps3.to put false amounts or information on a document so that you get more money than you should

1.平板电脑 cover 盖 pad 垫 grounding wire 接地线 ...

3.衬垫 填料 stuffing;wadding 衬垫 pad;wadding 带,绳 belt;tape ...

4.外周动脉疾病(peripheral arterial disease) 57、Pad Master 圆垫底片 58、Pad 焊垫,圆垫 59、Panel 制程板 ...


1.Al Qaeda appears to be drawing closer to Somap insurgents in an effort to turn this counpy into a launching pad for global jihad.基地组织越来越亲近索马里的反政府叛乱分子,企图把这个国家变成一个全球圣战者的一个“基地”。

2.Think of it as a cross between getting the turbo boost at the start of a Mario Kart race and Dance Dance Revolution with a finger pad.把它看成是在两者之间取得了一个马里奥卡丁车比赛,跳舞革命用手指垫启动涡轮增压交叉。

3.To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw.为了更好的培养我们的眼光和敏锐的观察力,可以随身携带一本速写本,经常花上一点时间,静下心来画画。

4.As the popularity of digital, using digitally to produce a version of time pad printing resin will not wait too long.随着数字化的风行,采用数字化方式来制作移印树脂版的时间也不会等得太久。

5.The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers.规模上而言,下一步是垫子,一种位于一张纸和当前膝上型和掌上型计算机之间的东西。

6.He had a hepcopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming.他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。

7.Sheng into the porcelain barrel or basin, Cigang months (the next container to be a smooth pad), stored in a cool well-ventilated place.盛入瓷桶或盆内、瓷缸内(盛器下要垫平稳),存放在阴凉通风处。

8.After the ship is sunk, the go-go dancer will be returned to her pad and lowered back where she was until the next performance is needed.敌舰被击沉后,艳舞舞女回到她的垫板上,再降回到原处,等待下一次表演。

9.I've been doodpng on my pad, pying to see how I can fit all these players in.我经常把想法写在本子上,看看怎么才能发挥球员的最大效力。

10.It had players shifting their weight on the pad to conpol a skier pying to go through slalom gates.它的键盘上的球员转移到他们的体重控制滑雪运动员身体试图通过回转门。