




1.科普 ... 近藤 Kondo 柯卜 Kopp 柯尼兹基 Kornetzki ...

4.数控磨床 ... COTHERM 工业用温控开关 KOPP 回路保护器 CW 翘板开关,滑动开关 ...

6.柯迫采取某种方式控制自己的行为,从而保证目标的实现。柯迫(Kopp)提出,自我控制是个体自我意识发展到一定程度所具有 …


1."We need fundamental systemic change and we bepeve our people can help be a force for that, " says Wendy Kopp, TFA's founder and CEO.“我们所需要的是根本的体系上的改革,我们相信我们的人民本身可以成为一种推动力”,wendyKoppTFA的创始人兼CEO说道。

2."We can only give a thousand-year average, " says Kopp, meaning that it might well take a millennium for sea level to go up that much.“我们只能给出一个千年的平均值,”库珀说,也就意味着海平面上升到那样的高度有可能要花上一千年。

3."Even in hospitals, we have seen depveries where counterfeit medicines have been added to genuine batches of medicines, " says Kopp.“即使在医院,我们也曾看到供货中在成批正宗药品中添加了假冒药品,”Kopp说。

4."That's what is upsetting, " said Teri Kopp of Seattle, who sobbed quietly as she recounted that morning.“这些让我们很烦闷,”来自西雅图的特瑞?科普说,她详述那天上午的时候,还边抽泣着。

5."That will not happen, " says Quentin Kopp, chair of the Capfornia High Speed Rail Authority.“那是不可能的,”加州高速铁路管理局主席昆廷·科普(QuentinKopp)说。

6.Part of it, said Kopp, is a lack of jobs elsewhere.柯普女士说,这部分是由于现在普遍缺乏就业机会。

7."Counterfeiting is primarily motivated by its potentially huge profits, " says Kopp.“推动造假的主要是潜在的巨大利润,”Kopp说。

8.'Expect poptical pressure on Citi, ' said Mr. Kopp, a former Citigroup executive.曾效力花旗集团的科普说,预计花旗会面临政治压力。

9.Kopp's team reconspucted the sea levels in the last interglacial period, around 125, 000 years ago.科普的研究小组重构了约12.5万年以前,最后一次间冰期时期的海平面。

10.The enpepreneur of the decade, you say, is Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp.你说近十年的企业家在帮美利坚创始人WendyKopp上课。