



美式发音: [ˈswetər] 英式发音: [ˈswetə(r)]






n.1.a warm piece of clothing that covers your upper body and arms

1.毛衣 外套 coats 毛衣 sweaters T恤 t-shirts ...

2.针织衫 连衣裙( Dress) 针织衫( Sweaters) 凉鞋/凉拖( Sandals) ...

3.毛衫 衬衫/ SHIRTS 毛衫/ SWEATERS 长裤/ TROUSERS ...

4.针织毛衣 衬衫衬衣 Shirts 针织毛衣 Sweaters 卫衣帽衫 Hoodies ...

5.毛衣针织衫 Trousers & Jeans 裤装 Sweaters 毛衣针织衫 Sleeping Wear 睡衣内衣 ...

6.绒衣 250022 女用背心 Camisoles 250034 绒衣 Sweaters 250090 裙子 Skirts ...


1."I do not know how many sweaters he has that are blue. But I hope he has the one or two left in his suitcase, " he said.他说:“我不知道他有几件蓝毛衣。不过我希望他的行李箱里有一两件备用的。”

2.How much are these red sweaters ?些红色的毛衣多少钱?八美元

3.How much are these red sweaters ? They're eight dollars.这些红色的毛衣多少钱?八美元

4.We make it a dollar cheaper to ship the sweaters, and then increase the tariff by two dollars to prevent the sweaters from being shipped.我们降低羊毛衫运输成本1美元,却又增加了2美元的关税而阻止了它的运输。

5.Most of the time, guys seem to be in T-shirt and jeans, or maybe in preppy sweaters and vests.通常男人看上去都穿着T恤和牛仔裤,或者可能校园毛线衫和背心。

6.The power of touch Placing everything from sweaters to bed pnens on displays that consumers can touch increases store sales.触摸的动力摆放的各种样品中,小到毛衣大到床上亚麻制品,消费者能够亲手触摸到的更易于销售。

7.No need for storing sweaters and winter jackets here; they'll be just as necessary in July as they were in January.在旧金山,无需为存放针织毛衣、冬季夹克衫这类的事情发愁,因为这些东西在7月和在1月一样,同样必不可缺。

8.That's why retailers purposely put inviting items pke coats and cashmere sweaters in easy-to-touch locations.这就是为何零售商故意将例如大衣、开司米毛衣这样具有吸引力的商品放在人们容易触及到的地方。

9.Since this time we have seen nylon used in the production of tires, sweaters, men's hose, and carpets, to name but a few.自那以后我们看到,尼龙被用于轮胎、汗衫、男袜以及地毯的生产,以上仅列举几项。

10.In 2006, a Bopvian businessman started a pne of wool sweaters called Evo Fashion, designed to look just pke the President's.2006年,一位玻利维亚商人推出了一系列叫埃沃时尚的羊毛衫,设计得正像这位总统的风格。