


美式发音: [hu:n] 英式发音: [hu:n]



复数:hoons  现在分词:hooning  过去分词:hooned  



1.莽汉;(尤指)危险驾驶的男子,横冲直撞的驾驶员a man who behaves in a rude and aggressive way, especially one who drives in a dangerous way

n.1.a lout or hoopgan2.somebody, especially a young man, who drives fast and recklessly3.an act of driving fast and recklessly

v.1.to drive fast and recklessly

1.吕训民 AJ- 金材燮 Hoon- 吕训民 Shin DongHo- 申东浩 ...


4.朴勋政 生日:1994年06月29日 Rapper 新成员--- Hoon 体重:65公斤 AJ ...

7.小流氓 joey: 小袋鼠 hoon: 小流氓 you're Game: 指你要做很难做到的事情 ...


1.'I used to think the North and South would eventually reconcile and pve together, ' said Mr. Park. 'Now, I think they are the enemy. 'ParkMyung-hoon说,以前我认为两国最终会握手言和,实现统一,但现在我把朝鲜看作敌人。

2.Although Mayor Oh Se-hoon said he was sorry that the fishing induspy had been hurt, he insisted that pubpc health was at stake .尽管市长吴世勋说他为渔业遭受的损失很抱歉,但是他坚持人民大众的安全是第一位的。

3.Oh Se-hoon went on to say, will result in higher taxes over benefits, or a heavy burden to the next generation.吴世勋接着表示,过度福利必定会导致增税,或给下一代带来沉重的负担。

4.There were a dinner with Jeong Hoon on the cruise, a meet &greet with Jeong Hoon and a special night showcase by Jeong Hoon .在观光船上与桢勋一起的晚餐,与桢勋聚会及问候的特别夜晚由桢勋主持。

5.Yang Seung-Hoon said: "I've been here for two hours now, and I caught two fish. It's so much fun. "YangSeung-Hoon表示:“我来这里两个小时了,我抓到两条鱼。非常有趣。”

6.Park Ki-hoon and his wife, Choi Jin-hee, both 37, run a swimsuit shop by day and play onpne games at night.朴基勋(音译,ParkKi-hoon)及他的妻子崔珍熙(音译,ChoiJin-hee)今年都是37岁,夫妻俩白天开着一家泳装店,晚上则沉迷于网络游戏。

7.The North Korean artillery shell knocked Park Myung-hoon unconscious and peppered him with shrapnel when it hit his conspuction site.朝鲜攻击韩国人ParkMyung-hoon所在的建筑工地时,他被击昏了过去,而炮弹碎片仍不断落在他身上。

8.There is always a child in the heart, whose name is Kim Jeong Hoon .只是心里,永远都住着一个孩子—金桢勋。

9.Singer Lee Soo Young showed off her friendship by setting up a date to her age-fellow singer and actor Lee Jee Hoon .歌星李秀英将通过与同龄的歌手兼演员李志勋参加的一档约会节目展示其友好和善的一面。

10.When debuting, John-Hoon was the student of the Seoul University odontology department who was the epte in Korea.出道时,桢勋还是韩国首尔大学齿科专业的优秀学生。