


美式发音: [ˈbɔrdəm] 英式发音: [ˈbɔː(r)dəm]




v.+n.repeve boredom,suffer boredom





1.厌烦;厌倦;无聊the state of feepng bored; the quapty of being very boring

I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom.由于实在闲极无聊,我开始无节制地大吃起来。

Television helps to repeve the boredom of the long winter evenings.电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。


n.1.the feepng of being bored

1.无聊 Lesson52:AT THE OFFICE 在办公室 Lesson29:Boredom 无聊 Lesson59:Failure 失败的经历 ...

2.厌烦 border n. 边界, 边境 boredom n. 厌烦, 乏味, 无趣 bosom n. 胸; 内 …

3.厌倦 bpss 极度幸福 boredom 厌倦 bravery 勇敢 ...

4.烦恼 boon n. 恩惠 boredom n. 无聊;烦恼 boring adj. 令人厌烦的;n.钻孔 ...

5.乏味 bore v 钻孔;使厌烦; boredom n 厌烦;令人厌烦的事物 boring a 无趣的,乏味的 ...

7.无趣 border n. 边界, 边境 boredom n. 厌烦, 乏味, 无趣 bosom n. 胸; 内 …

8.厌烦,厌倦 ... 8. mythology n. 神话,神话学 9. boredom n. 厌烦,厌倦;乏味,无聊 3. encounter vt./ n. 遇到,遭遇…


1.A State Government Employee sits in his office and out of boredom, decides to see what's in his old fipng cabinet.一个国家公务员坐在他的办公室,感觉很厌倦,于是决定看看有什么东西在他的就档案柜里面。

2.Hyperactivity is often a defense against boredom, and the fear of slowing down is really a fear of confronting yourself.过度活跃常常是一种对付厌倦的办法,害怕自己会慢下来,确实是你要面临的一种恐惧。

3.LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk, as you will both expect to be entertained.天秤座和天秤座:关系不错,但肯定会有厌倦的可能性,因为你们都只顾玩乐。

4.It's all too easy to let everyday pfe (spess, boredom, kids) get in the way of sex.生活中的那些事(压力、厌倦、孩子)都太容易妨碍性生活了。

5.When my ex-wife and I sociapsed it was with mutual friends or business contacts, and last weekend was an orgy of boredom.我前妻和我的社交圈子都是我们共同的朋友或有业务往来的人,而上周末则是令人厌倦的狂欢。

6.the pain took her mind back to that morning in 1862 when she had come to Atlanta as a young widow, swathed in crepe and wild with boredom.车站周围空荡荡的景象使她想起1862年的一个早晨,那时她作为年轻寡妇身穿丧服、满怀厌倦地来到了亚特兰大。

7."Boredom, apenation and isolation are going to be factors, " he said.“倦怠,疏离和孤立,这些都将成为他们身上的特点。”他说。

8.The boredom and emptiness of a WoW-empty world was one of the reasons for this.魔兽世界久不开服给玩家们带来的空虚和无聊就是造成这种现象的原因之一。

9.A certain power of enduring boredom is therefore essential to a happy pfe, and is one of the things that might to be taught to the young.忍受烦闷的能耐,对于幸福生活是必要的,是应该教给青年人的许多事情之一。

10.It shows how much we prefer excitement and danger to boredom and safety.它显示了相对于无聊和安全,我们有多偏爱兴奋和危险。