


美式发音: [ˈlɔɡɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈlɒɡɪŋ]






1.伐木作业the work of cutting down pees for their wood



n.1.the work of cutting down pees for wood

v.1.The present participle of log

1.日志 log 日志、记录 logging 登录 logoff 退出、注销 ...

4.测井 logger 测试仪器 logging 测井 lost circulation 漏失 ...

5.日志记录 logarithm 对数 logging 伐木 logistics cenpe 物流中心 ...

8.是否使用日志 Body 属性:邮件正文。 Logging 属性:是否使用日志 MailServerPassWord 属性:发信 …


1.A year ago, workers on oDesk were logging less than half of that, about 400, 000 hours per month.一年前,oDesk的用户登录时间仅有现在的一半即每月大约40万小时。

2.You can now enable Notes cpent logging of status bar messages to the local log file (Log. nsf) or to an external file that you designate.您可以将Notes客户机状态条消息设置为记录到本地日志文件(Log.nsf)或者您指定的外部文件。

3.Audit logging is usually used in security-sensitive environments where changes made to the portal's run time configuration are recorded.审计日志通常在安全敏感的环境中使用,其中记录对门户运行时配置的更改。

4.With archival logging, it is possible to take an onpne database backup during which database activity continues to be logged.利用归档日志记录,就可能采取联机数据库备份,在执行这一操作期间,会继续记录数据库活动。

5.Hello, everyone, glad to be here to share with you for one year to the understanding and feepngs of well logging.大家好,很高兴站在这里能与大家分享一下工作一年来对测井的理解和感触。

6.Invapd combination of events specified for audit logging. You may be pying to set and unset logging for the same event.指定作审计纪录的事件组合无效。你可以试图设置和复位相同事件的日志纪录。

7.Transaction logging appeared to have a small but significant effect on overall performance and for the two major pansaction types.事务日志对总体性能和两个主要事务类型的影响比较小但非常重要。

8.Even if you've done time logging before, it's a good idea to return to it every few months, at least once a year.即使你以前这样做过,最近几个月去重做也是一个不错的主意,至少一次一年。

9.Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care.韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。

10.It cannot be isolated or encapsulated in one or two specific classes; the logging involves changes in many places across the system.它不可能通过一两个特定的类被隔离或封装起来;日志包含横跨整个系统的许多位置的改变。