




1.嫉妒的人 hollw tips= 子.弹头 haters= 嫉妒的人,讨厌的人 holla back= 回答,回复 ...

2.憎恨者环境影响的感知有一定的差异,但目前没有形成明显 的憎恨者( Haters) 和顾虑者(Concernedfor a Reason) ,仍以热爱者 (Lovers…

3.怀恨者意间发现希拉蕊最近专辑「贴近希拉蕊」,其中1首歌「怀恨者」(Haters)歌词竟似在暗中批评琳赛萝涵,白纸黑字让两人 …

4.讨厌的人 hollw tips= 子.弹头 haters= 嫉妒的人,讨厌的人 holla back= 回答,回复 ...

5.流言蜚语 ... G:Grind 压迫感。 H:Haters 流言蜚语。 I:Injuries 伤病。 ...

6.仇家 《宛如天堂》 Just Like Heaven 《对不起,仇家》 Sorry,Haters 《贱女孩》 MeanGirls ...


1.There was no place for any potential legion of Jordan "haters" to unite, to allow the negatives surrounding him to fester.当时的条件没有潜在可能使得乔丹憎恨者统一起来,不可能会让负面的消息围绕着他。

2.The Tapban have long been known as haters of modern technology, certainly the kind that comes out of the Western world they revile.人们很长时间以来一直认为塔利班憎恶现代科技特别是被他们辱骂的来自西方世界的东西。

3.and when you come together into your towns I will send disease among you and you will be given up into the hands of your haters.如果你们退入城市,我必使瘟疫来害你们,叫你们落在仇人手内。

4.I loved it when Tina Fey went up to collect her Golden Globe and held it high, saying, "This is for all the haters! "我喜欢蒂娜•菲在接受金球奖的那一刻,她将奖杯高举,说道:“感谢那些讨厌我的人!”

5.Hey you still might be right. He ain't proven anything yet. This is the regular season. I have to stick that in for the Adelman haters.嗨,你还有可能对呢。他还没证明任何事呢。这才是常规赛。我还是要继续做个阿黑。

6.A whole gaggle of fans, whether they were haters or members of Laker Nation, questioned the move.球迷们,无论是反对还是支持湖人都对这一交易抱有怀疑态度。

7.His selfishness was plain as day to both haters and supporters of his.他的自私是明摆着的,无论他的反对者和支持者都同意这一点。

8.You make ready a table for me in front of my haters: you put oil on my head; my cup is overflowing.在我对头面前,你为我摆设了筵席;在我的头上傅油,使我的杯爵满溢。

9.Haters take a piece of information and store it in their hearts and nurture it because it makes them feel good.怀恨在心的人抓住一点信息后藏在心底,滋育着,因为那样会使他们感到好受。

10.Let no humanitarian effort go unpunished by armchair agronomists i song with other versatile haters of progress.办公室农学家和其他形形色色的进步仇恨者是不会让人道主义努力逍遥法外的。