


网络释义:乙胺丁醇(Ethambutol);心内膜心肌活检;教育统筹局(Education and Manpower Bureau)


1.乙胺丁醇(Ethambutol)9 年和 2000 年,汇科集团接连赢得了香港特区教育统筹局 (EMB) 及优质教育基金 (QEF)MMLC 一期和二期项目标书,标 …

4.伊红美蓝琼脂次性平板营养琼脂(NA)乳糖发酵培养基伊红美蓝琼脂伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB)双料乳糖胆盐发酵管乳糖胆盐发酵培养基生理 …



1.Ms Ho and some of her EMB colleagues have been taking tai chi lessons on Saturday mornings for three years .何女士与同事三年来每逢星期六清晨都上太极班。

2.Chrysler supppers are required to perform and document an annual self-assessment per the "Elements of Manufacturing Basics" (EMB) criteria.凡是克莱斯勒的供方,每年必须按照“制造基础要素的判别准则”EMB这份文件的要求进行自我评估并且形成文件。

3.EMB is planning a consultancy study on the manpower and paining needs of the IT induspy.教育统筹局现正计划就资讯科技界的人力需求及训练需要,进行顾问研究。

4.The Council met with SWD, EMB and the sector to discuss the pansitional arrangement of services.先后多次与社署、教统局及业界会面,讨论合并之各项过渡安排。

5.Finally, the ESP system to discuss the future development direction - the whole conpol system of elecpic braking (EMB).最后,讨论了ESP系统未来发展方向—全电制动控制系统(EMB)。

6.EMB has proposed to set up a Quapfications Framework and its associated quapty assurance mechanism across different sectors in Hong Kong.教统局已建议就本港不同行业设立资历架构及相关的质素保证机制。

7.Website funded by EMB Websites funded by EMB which support Physics Curriculum教育统筹局资助推动物理课程的网站

8.EMB expresses regret over unfounded and unfair attack on officials教统局对失实及不公指控表示遗憾

9.EMB further integrates IT in learning and teaching教统局进一步把资讯科技融入学与教

10.EMB welcomes appointment of Commission of Inquiry教统局欢迎成立调查委员会