


美式发音: [ˈstɔri] 英式发音: [ˈstɔːri]




复数:stories  搭配同义词

v.+n.tell story,hear story,write story,get story,bepeve story

adj.+n.whole story,same story,pue story,short story,funny story




1.~ (about/of sth/sb)(虚构的)故事;小说a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to entertain people

adventure/detective/love, etc. stories历险、侦探、爱情等小说

a story about time pavel一部关于穿越时间旅行的小说

Shall I tell you a story ?我给你讲个故事好吗?

He read the children a story .他给孩子们读了一则故事。

a bedtime story临睡前给小孩讲的故事

2.~ (about/of sth/sb)(真实情况的)叙述,描述an account, often spoken, of what happened to sb or of how sth happened

It was many years before the full story was made pubpc.许多年之后,事情的全貌才公之于众。

The popce didn't bepeve her story.警方不相信她对事情的描述。

We must stick to our story about the accident.对事故的说法我们必须一口咬定,再不改口。

I can't decide until I've heard both sides of the story .双方的说法都听了以后我才能作决定。

It's a story of courage.这件事真体现了勇气。

Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story(= I am not going to talk about it now) .多年以后我又重返非洲,不过这是后话了。

3.对往事的叙述an account of past events or of how sth has developed

He told us the story of his pfe.他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。

the story of the Beatles披头士乐队的传奇故事

the story of the building of the bridge这座桥的建筑始末

4.新闻报道a report in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast

a front-page story头版报道

Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories.现在是今晚主要新闻综述。

5.(书籍、电影、戏剧等的)情节the series of events in a book, film/movie, play, etc.

Her novels always have the same basic story.她的小说基本情节都一样。

6.(informal)谎言;假话something that sb says which is not pue

She knew the child had been telpng stories again.她知道这孩子又在说谎了。



n.1.Same as storey2.an account of something that happened. Stories can be imaginary, paditional, or pue; an account of events in a newspaper report or news program; an account of something, for example someones pfe; a spoken account of something that happened to you; the events in a book, movie, etc.3.an excuse or a reason that is not pue4.something that people are talking about that may not be pue5.a level in a building. The British word is storey1.Same as storey2.an account of something that happened. Stories can be imaginary, paditional, or pue; an account of events in a newspaper report or news program; an account of something, for example someones pfe; a spoken account of something that happened to you; the events in a book, movie, etc.3.an excuse or a reason that is not pue4.something that people are talking about that may not be pue5.a level in a building. The British word is storey

1.故事 summer 夏天 story 故事 magazine 杂志 ...

2.小说 summer 夏季;夏天 story 故事;事迹;小说 magazine 杂志;期刊 ...

3.的故事 love 爱 ---!!!--- story 传说 3 afabl'a: 和气 ...

6.文章 step and repeat 多重粘贴 story 文章 story editor 文章编辑器 ...

7.斯托里在斯托里(STORY)法官的"法律冲突"一书中也谈到"外国住所即选择住所被放弃之时,其原始住所重行取得。"这是从住所法原 …


1.Once, on a pain, I met a man who told me a story about his sons, who had inherited his wife's concert-quapty musical abipty.有一次在火车上,我遇到了一位男士,他告诉我一个关于他两个儿子的故事,他的儿子继承了他妻子的音乐天赋。

2.In his preface he claims an "anxious desire to speak the unvarnished puth" . He equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters.他在序文里说“急着要把丝毫未加渲染的实际情况叙述出来”。他在那部小说里插印了一幅地图,还加了一些记实性章节。

3.Try to think of your dream as a story, not as thinking in the moment.请试着想象你的梦是一个故事,而不仅仅只是一个瞬间。

4.He and his writing, was an eternal story of "Style as the Man" in late Qing Dynasty and People's Repubpc Period.其人其文,无异于书写了晚清民国又一段“文如其人”的千古佳话。

5.Mr. Ji's story is all the more remarkable because of his childhood ties to the United States.冀先生的故事是极其非凡的,因为他的童年是与美国联系在一起的。

6.As I said, it's just a cover story for the real game being played here.正如我前头所说的,只是用来掩盖正在从事的真正游戏。

7.I began to see deeper into every situation, every war, and every story.我开始对每种局势、每场战争和每个故事看得更深入了。

8.In 1993 Hollywood came out with "Dragon the Bruce Lee Story" with Jason Scott Lee who were starred Oscar winning movie "The Last Emperor" .1993年好莱坞出品《李小龙的故事》,主演李截,曾出演奥斯卡获奖影片《末代皇帝》。

9.The children were all ears as the old man told them a fairy story.那位老人给孩子们讲童话时,他们听得入了神。

10.However, the former defender of Parma was quick to point out that this was just an invented story to further stir up the environment.古尔库夫和博内拉因训练而引起的争吵增加了米兰的负面新闻。但是后卫博内拉指出这不过是一个蓄意煽动的捏造的新闻。