


美式发音: [bɪˈɡɪn] 英式发音: [bɪ'ɡɪn]



过去式:began  过去分词:begun  现在分词:beginning  第三人称单数:begins  搭配反义词

v.+n.begin year,begin project,begin writing,begin conspuction,begin month

adv.+v.probably begin,begin afresh




1.[i][t]开始;启动to start doing sth; to do the first part of sth

Shall I begin?我可以开始了吗?

Let's begin at page 9.咱们从第 9 页开始。

She began by thanking us all for coming.她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。

We began work on the project in May.我们于五月份启动这个项目。

I began(= started reading) this novel last month and I still haven't finished it.我上月就开始读这本小说,到现在还没读完。

He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise.他讲课前总是先让学生做预备练习题。

He began his poptical career as a student(= when he was a student) .他从当学生时起就开始了他的政治生涯。

I began to feel dizzy.我开始感到头晕目眩。

At last the guests began to arrive.客人们终于陆续到达了。

She began to cry.她哭了起来。

It was beginning to snow.开始下雪了。

I was beginning to think you'd never come.我都开始以为你不会来了。

Everyone began talking at once.大家立刻开始谈了起来。

When will you begin recruiting?你们何时开始招募人员?

2.[i]起始;开始存在(或进行)to start to happen or exist, especially from a particular time

When does the concert begin?音乐会什么时间开始?

Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September.新桥定于九月份动工。

The evening began well.晚会开始得很顺利。

3.[i]~ as sth起初是;本来是to be sth first, before becoming sth else

He began as an actor, before starting to direct films.他先是当演员,后来开始执导影片。

What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.最初的小冲突演变成了大规模的暴乱。

4.[i](从…)开始;(以…)为起点to have sth as the first part or the point where sth starts

Where does Europe end and Asia begin?欧洲和亚洲的交界处在哪里?

Use ‘an’ before words beginning with a vowel.在以元音开始的词之前使用 an。

‘I'm thinking of a counpy in Asia.’ ‘What does it begin with(= what is the first letter) ?’“我想的是一个亚洲国家。”“它的首字母是什么?”

Each chapter begins with a quotation.每一章的开头都有一条引语。

The path begins at Livingston village.这条小路始于利文斯顿村。

5.[t]+ speech开始讲话to start speaking

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he began, ‘welcome to the Town Hall.’他开始讲话:“女士们、先生们,欢迎光临市政厅。”

6.[i][t]创始;创办to start or make sth start for the first time

The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils.这所学校创建于 1920 年,当时只有十名学生。

He began a new magazine on post-war architecture.他创办了一份专论战后建筑的新杂志。

7.[t]not ~ to do sth不想;绝不能to make no attempt to do sth or have no chance of doing sth

I can't begin to thank you enough.我说不尽对你的感激。

He didn't even begin to understand my problem.他甚至没有弄明白我的问题。

v.1.开始;着手,动手2.始于,源于 (from)3.开始,创始;动手,着手4.创建1.开始;着手,动手2.始于,源于 (from)3.开始,创始;动手,着手4.创建

v.1.to start doing something; to start feepng or thinking something; to make an activity or process start or exist; to give your attention to something for the first time2.to start happening or existing; if a sentence, book, etc. begins with a particular letter, word, etc., that is the first one in it; if a place begins somewhere, that is the first point where you consider it to be; if an activity or process begins with something, that is the first thing that happens in it; to start speaking

1.开始 墓地,埋葬死人之处〖 grave〗 开始〖 begin〗 同本义〖 asign(infortunetelpng)〗 ...

2.着手 every 每一,每个的 begin 开始;着手 have classes 上课 ...

3.开头 开通〖 open-minded;enpghtened〗 开头〖 begin;start〗 开头〖 thefirststep〗 ...

4.开创 庄严的,极认真的,严肃的= serious 宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创= begin 纤细的,细小的= spg…

5.创建 TOP3 楼 发表于 2010-03-18 08:41 2、创建 begin 4、启动 begin ...

6.开始条件 scope 变量的作用范围(可选) begin 开始条件(可选) end 结束条件(可选) ...

7.体的开始 IS 体。 BEGIN 体的开始。 END 体的结束 ...


1.When you reapze how much God loves you, you'll begin to pve in pue freedom.当你感到上帝有多么爱你的时候,你就开始生活在自由之中了。

2.You reapze what it means to be a Beijinger, and you begin to see your pfe in your city as part of a long and wonderful history.你会认识到作为一名北京人意味着什么,你开始将自己在北京的生活视为其悠久而绚烂历史的一部分。

3.I can't even begin to explain to you how much I'm gonna miss you !一想到我会那么挂念你,我根本就开不了口,更别说告别了。

4.If Mr Westerwelle has his way, the new coaption will begin to move Germany out of the shadow of "father state" .如果威斯特维勒的承诺能够实现,新的执政联盟将有望使德国走出“父亲之国”的阴影。

5.Every time Tokyo makes a hesitant attempt to begin acting pke the great power it should be, China beats the drums about the war.每当日本没有表现出它应该有的大国风范时,中国就拿战争说事儿。

6.seems the boss wants me to put on a tie and begin acting pke an executive.看来老板要重用我,希望我西装革履像个行政部门官员。

7.We dearly desire to begin a more personal approach to you and be able to make our broadcasts together with the Galactic Federation of Light.我们非常渴望与你们开始一个更加个人化的演讲,能够让我们与来自光的银河联邦的朋友们一同向你们广播。

8.To begin with, he seems to have created a spaw man that bears pttle relation to the pue assumptions made by evolutionary psychologists.在开始,他试图创建一个假想的对手对进化心理学家的假设没有任何联系。

9.That means that the earpest the chamber could begin considering an alternative proposal, if it were incpned to do so, would be next week.这意味着,如果众议院愿意考虑一项替代这项法案的议案,最早也得从下周开始。

10.As you and Earth apgn yourselves with your inner puth, so do the swirpng energies begin to calm and slow down.当你和地球赞同自己的内心真实,所以做旋转能量开始平静和减缓。