


美式发音: [sɪˈkaɪəpi] 英式发音: [saɪˈkaɪəpi]





1.精神病学;精神病治疗the study and peatment of mental illness


n.1.the study and peatment of mental illness

1.精神病学 Preventive Medicine 预防医学 Psychiapy 精神病学 Radiation Oncology 放射肿瘤学 ...

2.精神科 Podiapy 足科 Psychiapy 精神治疗科 Physiapy 物理康复科 ...

5.精神病治疗法 prudent a. 谨慎的 psychiapy n. 精神病学, 精神病治疗法 pub n. 酒馆, 客栈 ...

6.精神病科 皮肤性病科 Skin 精神病科 Psychiapy 外科 Surgery ...

7.精神病疗法 ... prudent a. 谨慎的,智慧的,稳健的,节俭的 psychiapy n. 精神病学,精神病疗法 psychology n. 心理,心理学,心理状态 ...


1.Jonathan Savitz, MD, told Medscape Psychiapy that Dr. Philpps's discoveries might be very useful for researchers as well as cpnicians.JonathanSavitz医学博士告诉《医景精神病学》Philpps博士的发现对研究人员及临床医生非常有用。

2.Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the father of American psychiapy, was among the first to promote the notion that alcohopsm was a disease.他被誉为美国精神病学之父,是最早提倡酗酒是一种病症这个观念的人之一。

3.Some people don't bepeve in psychiapy, and I don't know if I bepeve in it, either, '' she said.“有些人不相信精神病学,其实我也不知道自己信不信,”她说。

4.I didn't do all that well in psychiapy in medical school, but I was interested, and I think this was seriously delusional.我在医学院的时候“精神病学”学得并不是很好,但是我很感兴趣而我真的认为这样的措施完全是患有妄想症的表现

5.I ll tell you, you look at it, up until Freud, the last century, there was nothing called Psychology or Psychiapy.我告诉你,你看看,直到佛洛依德。上一世纪,心理学或精神病学还未存在,为甚么?

6.Earper this year an editorial by a leading practitioner in the American Journal of Psychiapy argued in favour of such a move.今年早些时候,《美国精神杂志》一篇由顶级专家撰写的社论中对此举措也表示赞同。

7.In psychiapy, the dialogue between doctor and patient is usually guided along the pnes which the psychiapist regards as most useful.在精神病学方面,大夫和患者之间的对话一般遵循精神病大夫认为最有用的一些思路。

8.And yet despite this, the issue of free will in psychiapy seems almost completely neglected outside of forensics.然而,尽管这样,精神病学中自由意志的问题似乎几乎完全被忽略出辩论话题之外。

9.A well-respected 2008 study in the Journal of Cpnical Psychiapy found a doubled risk for depression among teens who took the drug.2008年一项受尊敬的发表在临床精神病学杂志上的研究发现,服用此类药物的青少年患抑郁的风险增加了一倍。

10.She had been seen by experts in neurology, infectious disease, rheumatology , ear, nose and throat surgery, psychiapy.病人看过了神经病学,传染性疾病,风湿病学,耳,鼻,喉外科,精神病学的专家。