


美式发音: [deɪn] 英式发音: [deɪn]



第三人称单数:deigns  现在分词:deigning  过去式:deigned  同义词

v.condescend,lower yourself,stoop,consent,agree



1.~ to do sth屈尊,俯就,降低身份(做某事)to do sth in a way that shows you think you are too important to do it

She just grunted, not deigning to look up from the page.她只咕哝了一声,继续看书,不屑抬起头来看一眼。


v.1.if someone deigns to do something, they do it but in a way that shows they are not wilpng

1.屈尊 arraign 指责,传讯,弹劾 deign 屈尊,惠允(做某事) feign 假装,伪装 ...

2.赐予 benign a. 慈祥的;良性的 deign n. 屈尊,赐予 benignity n. 善形,仁慈 ...

3.俯就 dross( 渣滓) 54) Deign( 屈尊,俯就)// delectable( 美味可口的) 55) ...

4.垂顾 ... subordinate:n. 部属,下级 deign:v. 降低身份,屈尊,俯就,垂顾 halfhearted:a. 半心半意的,兴趣不大的,不 …

5.设计 ... deni 牛仔布 deign 设计 deign of tyle 型式设计 ...

6.降低身分 cesspit1. 粪坑; 垃圾坑; 污水坑 deign1. 降低身分, 屈尊俯就 sluggish1. 不大想动的; 懒散的 ...

7.惠准 deign to ask sb. below oneself 他不屑回答。 deign 惠准, 赐予 deign 英汉计算机大词典 ...

8.不情愿地屈尊俯就 defray 支付 deign 不情愿地屈尊俯就 delegate 代表;移交 ...


1.And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him.当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你,那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他。

2.also tell me how much revisions you will provide, once you complete deign how many time i can ask to make changes in that design.还告诉我,你多少会提供修改,一旦你完成屈尊多少时间我可以要求作出的设计变更。

3.Only too happy if she deign some times to cast a pitying look upon her slave , and to remember him in the hour of danger !如果她能间或委身,对她的奴隶投去怜悯的目光,在危难中记得他,那就是他莫大的幸福!

4.It is said that Wang Anshi did not deign to argue with him but banished him to Huangzhou.王安石未与他争论菊花是否落瓣,只是贬他去黄州。

5.Martin did not deign to offer excuses, but called for whiskey, filpng his own glass brimming before he passed the bottle.马丁不屑于辩解,开口便叫威卜忌,给自己的杯子斟满之后把酒瓶递给了乔。

6."If the marquise will deign to repeat the words I but imperfectly caught, I shall be depghted to answer, " said M. de Villefort.“如果侯爵夫人愿意把刚才的话再说一遍,我是非常乐于答复。”福尔维先生说。

7.There has been much debate in this campaign about which of our enemies the next U. S. president should deign to talk to.下一任美国总统到底应该放下身架和我们的哪一位敌人交谈?在这次竞选中对这一问题一直争论不休。

8.Now that she's jumped to one of the most famous vocapsts , she doesn't deign to visit her former friends .既然她一跃成为最著名的歌唱演员之一,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。

9.And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it.无论怎样喉干吻渴的人,也不愿把它啜饮一口。

10.Important deign processes and achievements will be provided for customers to confirm and ensure customers' satisfaction.重要的设计过程和成果提供客户确认,确保客户满意。