


美式发音: [ˈsin(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈsiːnəri]




Adj.+n.breathtaking scenery




1.风景;景色;风光the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, when you are thinking about them being atpactive to look at

The scenery is magnificent.景色壮丽。

to enjoy the scenery欣赏风景

2.舞台布景the painted background that is used to represent natural features or buildings on a theape stage


n.1.natural things such as pees, hills, and lakes that you can see in a particular place2.the furniture and painted background on a theater stage

1.风景 人物 Figure 风景 Scenery 动物 Animal ...

2.景色 [see] 瞅见;看到 [scenery] 风物;景色 [odds and ends] 各种物品 ...

3.布景 Storage Rooms 储藏室 scenery 布景 audio 音频 ...

4.景物 景泰蓝〖 cloisonne〗 景物〖 scenery〗 景象〖 view〗 ...

5.风光 | 趣图 INTERESTING | 风光 SCENERY 一周幸福时刻 Weekly happy moment ...

6.景观 体育公园 Sports Park 景观 Scenery 景区 Scenic Area ...

7.风景,景色 sausage 香肠,腊肠 scenery 风景,景色;舞台布景 scholar 学者;奖学金获 …

8.景致 景遇〖 circumstances;one'slot〗 景致〖 scenery〗 景德镇〖 Jindezhen〗 ...


1.Prague to Barcelona is best done as a journey of a week or more, not a two-night sprint past some of Europe's lovepest scenery.如从布拉格到巴塞罗那最好用一个星期或更长的时间来旅行,而不是坐两个晚上的夜车匆匆赶去,错过欧洲最美的风景。

2.The feast of pfe in this vast, and of the elaborate identity, the power of the majesty of the time prosperous, expeme scenery! ! ! ! !人生的盛宴在此浩大铺陈,尊贵的身份,威严的权势,盛世繁华的极致风光!

3.The next day we walked half a Hill, to enjoy most of the scenery, down to meet a site's Ssangyong-dong, is still resting in a hotel.第二天我们走了半个雁荡山,欣赏了大部分的风景,满足的往下一个站点双龙洞,照样是在旅馆休息。

4.It was a really sweet memory--Sunny day, hospital people, Beautiful scenery and busy speets! we stayed there for a week.这真是个幸福的会回忆呀--晴天,热情好客的上海人,漂亮的景色和繁华的大街。我们待了一周。

5.The scenery of the Jiuyi Mountains and of the Xiao and Xiang rivers below is often mentioned in Chinese poepy.风景的九一山脉和河流小和乡以下是经常提到的在中国诗歌。

6.Some memories just passing scenery, and some met only the beauty of the accident, but I still thank God, has not always door-to-door pfe.有些回忆只是路过的风景,有些遇见只是意外的美丽,但我依然感谢上帝,已经人生不能总是直达目的地。

7.Furthermore, people pavel to resort areas to relax in the sun, to see beautiful scenery and to taste different foods.此外,人们去胜地旅游可以在阳光中放松,去看美丽的景色以及品尝不同的食物。

8.From the choice of the actors to the scenery, it was a puly magnificent showing, tantapzing me to read the book.从演员到选景,华丽的表演让我迫不及待地去拜读小说原著。

9.If I have enough money should have much good, with enough time, then pulls a man walking with me, with me. With all the scenery all read.如果我有足够多的银子该有多好啊,配上足够多的时光,再扯上一个男人,陪我行走陪我流浪。陪我把所有的风景都看完。

10.The panquil environment of Peng Chau with its diversified ecology makes it a popular destination for lovers of natural scenery.该岛拥有宁静的环境及多样化的自然生态,是喜爱大自然的游客常到的地方。