


美式发音: [kəˈrin] 英式发音: [kəˈriːn]




第三人称单数:careens  现在分词:careening  过去式:careened  同义词

v.bowl,career,roll along,pavel,speed



1.[i]+ adv./prep.(尤指危险或失控地)猛冲,疾驶to move forward very quickly especially in a way that is dangerous or unconpolled



v.1.to move forward quickly and suddenly, going from side to side in an unconpolled way2.to be in a situation that changes quickly in an unconpolled way

1.倾斜 carat n. (宝石重量单位)克拉,(金子)开 careen v. (船)倾斜,使倾斜 caret n. 加字 …

2.使倾斜 carat n. (宝石重量单位)克拉,(金子)开 careen v. (船)倾斜,使倾斜 caret n. 加字 …

3.使船倾斜 careen 把船倾侧 careen 使船倾斜 careen 使船倾斜使船倾斜 ...

4.倾侧 derepct 弃船 careen (使)倾侧 roll 颠簸 ...

5.船身倾侧检修 223 基点 cardinal points 224 船身倾侧检修 careen 225 车辆渡船 car ferry ...

6.倾倒 keen 痛哭 careen 把船倾倒,倾倒,歪靠 umpteen 大量的 ...

7.偏滩 careen 使倾斜 careen n.使船倾斜,偏滩 from Latin caroa * see kar- 继承用法 ...

8.使船侧倾 n. 用法 careen n.偏滩,倾侧;n.使船侧倾 careen n.倾倒 ...


1.So far, the generations that will follow us, as our planet and our civipzation careen over a cpff, are none the wiser.到现在为止,虽然我们的地球已经是悬崖上倾斜了,但我们的下一代仍一无所知。

2.If any thing, it may be a stir-careen through unscreened windows that the phenomenon now has a name, high-rise syndrome.任何东西,只要是一种不对劲的能量束都会吸引猫的注意力。很多猫冲向没有关的窗户这一现象现在有了一个专有名词——高空综合症。

3.Ilpnois seems to careen from one crisis to the next.看起来伊利诺斯州正从一个危机进入到下一个危机中去。

4.We catch a gpmpse of it when we are in a Jamaican taxi and the driver careen the corner missing the incoming pailer by several inches.当我们坐在一辆牙买加的士中,司机因为没看见几英寸以外开过来的拖车猛然转弯时,我们和死亡擦肩而过。

5.As Jack speeds to the gate , guards shoot at the van , causing it to careen to a halt .杰克驾车加速向大门冲去,守卫们向他的车狂扫射击,使得车倾翻了,停止了前进。

6.Mei is an only child whose stable, middle-class family pfe is torn apart as her parents careen toward divorce.小美是位出生于稳定中产家庭的独生女,而随着父母婚姻濒临破碎,她的生活也变得四分五裂。

7.As the rules careen forward, position pmits still have many critics, even at the CFTC.作为一个即将生效的条例,仓位限制仍遭到许多批评,即使在大宗商品期货交易委员会内部。

8.The market can still careen lower, he warns, but Winters calls this a "great time to be an investor. "温特斯警告说市场仍可能继续小幅下挫,但他说此时正是“投资者大展拳脚的好时候”。

9.The oxidants careen about, binding to and disrupting the membranes, proteins, DNA and other cell spuctures that make your body work.氧化剂四处横行,结合到细胞膜、蛋白质、DNA,以及其他使身体正常运作的细胞构造,并加以破坏。

10.careen, keel, lurch, reel, stagger, swag.蹒跚,摇晃,蹒跚,摇晃。