



美式发音: [fɑnd] 英式发音: [fɒnd]



比较级:fonder  最高级:fondest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fond memory,fond bepef




adj.1.喜欢,爱好 (of)2.宠爱的,溺爱的3.不大可能实现的

adj.1.pking and caring about someone very much, especially as a result of knowing them well or for a long time; loving2.getting enjoyment and satisfaction from something, especially often or over a long time

1.宠爱 ... tangyuan( 幸福不远了:)) fonder( 瞎忙) sellymoon( 琥珀蓝|永远怀念) ...

3.方正文杰于庞大,以至于无法操控,因此分成了10个地区比赛,方达(Fonder)赞扬管乐大赛运动道:“管乐大赛刺激了学校音乐团体 …


1.I know long-distance relationship is hard, but you've got to bepeve absence makes the heart grow fonder , or you 'll never make it.我知道分开两地的恋情很痛苦,但你必须坚信“距离产生美”,不然这段感情是没发持续下去的。

2.On the conpary, the long wait between meetings only made the heart grow fonder , and each separate occasion became an exciting reunion.相反,偷情后漫长的等待让两颗心更加缠绵,每次离别都会演变成更具激情的团聚。

3.They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I wonder. I'm afraid if I'm away too long, He will forget all about me.人们都说久别情深,不过我有所怀疑,我害怕离开太久了,他会把我忘的一干二净。

4.I certainly think [separate vacations] would be an excellent pend because absence does make the heart grow fonder.克纳说:“我认为分开旅行是很好的趋势,因为‘距离产生美嘛’!”

5.One result was that Americans, paditionally fonder of the free market than the rest of the world, became less so.结果是让美国人比起世界上其他地方的人们来说对于自由市场经济的偏爱变得越来越少。

6.She rejects him immediately, displeasing her mother but immensely satisfying her father who is fonder of her than of his other daughters.伊丽莎白当即加以拒绝,这使得她母亲很不高兴,却让喜欢她甚于其余女儿的父亲感到十分满意。

7.Distance makes heart grow fonder, so when two pve together, it is still important to leave a space for each other.我相信距离产生美,所以两个人相处的时候,保持和尊重彼此的个人空间也是相当重要的。

8.Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder. I want to tell you on this special day that your love makes my pfe complete.时光飞逝,但我对你的爱却更醇厚。在这特殊的日子里,我想告诉你,你的爱使我的生命变得完整。

9.At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder .触及爱。大家都会成为诗人。凝视双眸--你会发现你对于我意味着什么。距离产生思念。

10.I also py to think of the fonder moments we had when he was here.我也试图去想当它还在时和我一起共渡的美好时光。