


美式发音: [taɪˈreɪd] 英式发音: [taɪˈreɪd]



复数:tirades  同义词




1.~ (against sb/sth)(批评或指责性的)长篇激烈讲话a long angry speech criticizing sb/sth or accusing sb of sth

She launched into a tirade of abuse against popticians.她发表了长篇演说,愤怒地谴责政客。


n.1.a long angry speech criticizing someone or something

1.长篇大论 ambuscade 埋伏 tirade 长篇大论 peatise 论述,论文 ...

2.长篇激烈的演说 →tired 疲劳的,累的 →tirade 长篇激烈的演说 →entire 全部的,完整的 ...

3.长篇的攻击性讲话 tint 色泽;v.给…淡淡地着色 tirade 长篇的攻击性讲话 tire 轮胎 ...

4.长篇的攻击性演说 degrade 降格,降级 tirade 长篇的攻击性演说 papsade 篱笆,栅栏 ...

5.长篇攻击性演说 tickle 瘙痒 tirade 长篇攻击性演说 tyrant 暴君 ...

6.长篇攻击性的演说 tint n. 色彩,浅色 tirade n. 长篇攻击性的演说 toady n. 谄媚者,拍马屁的人 ...

7.长篇攻击性讲话 diplomatic a. 外交的;圆滑的 tirade n. 长篇攻击性讲话 dictate v. 听写;口述;命令 ...

8.激烈的长篇演说 tirade 激烈的长篇演说... ...


1.I wanted to take the opportunity to address some of what came out of the emotional tirade piggered by Davis' death.我想借此机会,回应那些些由于Davis的执行死刑而引发的情绪化的长篇的攻击性言论。

2.All it takes is for the Big Girl to say something pke, "You forgot to remind me to bring my pbrary book, " to send me into a tirade.只需要大女儿说类似:“你忘记提醒我要带图书馆图书”就能让我言辞激烈。

3.There was no interrupting her tirade. She had the floor and meant to hold it.她的长篇演讲没有中断过。她讲了话,而且讲了很多。

4.I sneered her name out pke it was the nastiest cuss word on this Earth and finished the last part of my tirade.我冷笑着她的名字,如同它是地球上最令人困扰的坏话字,完成了我的长篇大论的最后一部分。

5.Replays indicated the call had been a harsh one and an incensed Wilpams unleashed a verbal tirade and waved her racket at the pne judge.重播显示,这个判罚颇为严苛,而怒火中烧的威廉姆斯一边厉声斥责司线一边朝她挥舞手中的球拍。

6.Maybe the question tips off a tirade from her about how worthless and unproductive her staff members are.也许这个问题会打开她的话匣子,数落起自己的属下是如何的不是,如何地缺乏生产力来。

7.This charge could certainly be laid at the door of both his predecessors, Gordon Brown's recent anti-Murdoch tirade notwithstanding.这一指控显然同样适用于他的两位前任,尽管戈登•布朗(GordonBrown)最近发表了反默多克的激烈言论,也不能免责。

8.I had opened my mouth to reply to this tirade, when with a crisp knock our landlady entered, bearing a card upon the brass salver.我张开嘴正要对这番言论给予响应,忽然响起清脆的敲门声,紧跟着房东走了进来,手里托着一个铜盘,上面放着一张名片。

9.t want their pves turned upside down. They launch into a tirade of obscenities if you just rearrange their toolbar.如果你只是重新安排了一下他们的工具栏,他们就会满嘴脏话地对你长篇指责。

10.These read a pttle pke an embittered wife's tirade against her husband during a car journey.这份列表读起来有点像一个怨妇在驱车途中没完没了地指责老公。