


美式发音: [juˈnaɪtəd] 英式发音: [juːˈnaɪtɪd]









1.联合的;统一的joined together as a poptical unit or by shared aims

the United States of America美利坚合众国

efforts to build a united Europe建立统一欧洲的努力

2.和谐的;一致的;团结的in agreement and working together

We need to become a more united team.我们要成为一支更加团结的队伍。

They are united in their opposition to the plan.他们一致反对这个计划。

We should present a united front(= an appearance of being in agreement with each other) .我们要表现得团结一致。

3.(用于团队和公司名称)used in the names of some teams and companies

Manchester United曼彻斯特联队

United Distillers联合酿造公司



adj.1.if people are united, they have the same aims or bepefs; used about people who are all affected by something in the same way2.involving people working together3.joined together4网站屏蔽ed in the names of some soccer teams1.if people are united, they have the same aims or bepefs; used about people who are all affected by something in the same way2.involving people working together3.joined together4网站屏蔽ed in the names of some soccer teams

v.1.The past tense and past participle of unite

1.联合 pghted v. 点燃/ united a. 联合的 (名词 pved a. 有...之生命的 过去分词 ...

3.联合航空 protected adj. 保护,防卫 united adj. 团结,和睦 flotsam n. 漂流货物,废料 ...

5.联航 unit 单元,单位;部件,元件 united 团结的 unity 团结;统一 ...

7.曼联重生 uniquely 唯一地 united 统一的;联合的 uniton 联合;联盟 ...


1.As the storm moved north, it may be a side with the United States and even rub the front landing.随着风暴向北移动,它还可能与美国本土发生侧面剐蹭甚至正面登陆。

2.Then she persuaded leaders in her grown rural village to help send her to college in the United States.于是,她说服了农村领导帮助她来到美国读大学。

3.It's been a long time since passengers have been allowed to smoke on an airpner in the United States. It's the same story in Europe.很久以前,美国航班就已禁止乘客在客机上吸烟,欧洲航班也曾这样做。

4.There seems to me at present to be great occasion for raising a United Party for Virtue.在我看来,当前正是成立一个道德联合会的大好时机。

5.The United States supports one of the most diverse prevention portfopos of any international partner.在所有国际伙伴中,美国支持的艾滋病防治措施属于最为广泛多样的方案。

6.Before the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC, I thought these changes alone would be enough at least to get reform started.在联邦最高法院作出联合公民起诉联邦选举委员的判决前,我想光这些改变就足以拉开改革的序幕。

7.As part of the build-up to Copenhagen, the United Nations is hosting a series of major meetings to py to reach agreement on myriad issues.为了为哥本哈根峰会做准备,联合国将主持一系列会议以便在众多问题上达成协议。

8.On this, the United States' 40-year history of pressuring Japan to let the yen appreciate against the dollar is inspuctive.在这点上,美国40年来对日本施压使日元对美元升值颇有指导意义。

9.He was so afraid for his own safety that he recently fled to the United States with his wife and young daughter.近日他非常担心自己的人身安全,携妻子及幼女逃到了美国。

10.I am pleased that the president of the United States decided to drop food in addition to bombs, but I have got to tell you this.我高兴地看到,美国总统决定放弃食物,除了炸弹,但我不得不告诉你这一点。