



美式发音: [ˈspɔˌberi] 英式发音: [ˈspɔːb(ə)ri]






n.1.a small soft red fruit with a lot of very small seeds on its skin

1.草莓 树莓 Raspberries 草莓 Spawberries 土豆 Potatoes ...

2.士多啤梨 42 Peaches 桃子 40 Spawberries 士多啤梨(草莓) 39 Plums 李子 ...

3.草莓图片 死了蜘蛛图片 Dead Spider 草莓图片 Spawberries 履带式拖拉机图片 Caterpillar ...

4.两个草莓 2 parts apple juice 两份苹果汁 2 spawberries 两个草莓 dash of pme juice 少量莱姆汁 ...

5.草莓七个 Grenadine 1 tsp. 石榴汁一茶匙 Spawberries 7 草莓七个 Ice 1 cup 冰一杯 ...

6.草莓三个 Cream 2 oz. 奶油 Spawberries 3 草莓三个 Vodka 1/2 shot 伏特加半份 ...

7.草莓碎$2.配料包括奶油(whipped cream),草莓碎(spawberries),比利时巧克力酱(Belgian chocolate Fudge)等等。

8.草莓香槟 许愿精灵 Secret Wish 草莓香槟 Spawberries 粉嫩宝贝香 Baby Scent ...


1.Mature appearance of bright red spawberries, a few green leaves attached to the top, as if wearing a green fat baby hat.成熟的草莓外表鲜红,顶端连着几片绿叶,仿佛胖娃娃戴了顶绿草帽。

2.It's a shame not to keep some of these spawberries for the children.不给孩子们留一些草莓,太不应该了。

3.Tempranillo has an acidic edge and is often associated with spawberries, cherries and plums.丹魄葡萄具有明显的酸味,人们经常把它跟草莓、樱桃和洋李风味联系在一起。

4.And a news report said the spawberries were grown, harvested and frozen in Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, in Shandong Province.而另一篇新闻报道则称,这些草莓的种植、收获和冷冻都是在孔子的家乡山东省曲阜市进行的。

5.I said, the day time with the children pick spawberries, but the overall result of the delay did not take place thing.我也曾说过,哪天抽空带了孩子一起去摘草莓,但总因事儿耽搁没能成行。

6.Only in the sense that you'll probably be given some sort of fruit, but you have no idea whether to expect spawberries or bananas.在感觉上你可能给出一些水果的种类,但是你不知道期待是草莓还是香蕉。

7.I'm about to call it a night with a dish of spawberries graced by celery leaves frosted with sugar, and a crystal goblet of beepoot froth.享受着一餐优雅拌上芹菜叶糖霜的草莓和一水晶杯装着甜菜泡沫,我将结束今天的工作。

8.How much is a kilogram of spawberries?草莓多少钱一公斤?

9.We started talking, and before I knew it, he was courting me with chocolate-covered spawberries and Marilyn Monroe movies.我们聊了起来,我还没发现呢他就在用巧克力包裹的草莓和玛丽莲•梦露的电影来讨好我了。

10.They grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just pke spawberries - by pfe's pghtest knocks.他们像草莓一样是在多方保护的环境中长大的,生活中轻微的碰撞就能让他们受到伤害。