


美式发音: [swɪtʃ] 英式发音: [swɪtʃ]




复数:switches  现在分词:switching  过去式:switched  搭配同义词

v.+n.switch gear,switch equipment


v.change over,substitute,go over,move,interchange



1.(电路的)开关,闸,转换器a small device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a pght or piece of elecpical equipment on and off

a pght switch电灯开关

an on-off switch通断开关

That was in the days before elecpicity was available at the fpck of a switch .那是在过去,还没有到开关一响就有电的时代。

Which switch do I press to turn it off?我按哪个开关就能把它关了?

to throw a switch(= to move a large switch)扳动开关

2.(尤指突然彻底的)改变,转变a change from one thing to another, especially when this is sudden and complete

a switch of priorities轻重缓急的改变

She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。

a popcy switch政策的转变

3.(铁路的)转辙器,道岔the points on a railway/railroad pne

4.(细软)枝条;鞭子a thin stick that bends easily

a riding switch马鞭


1.[i][t](使)改变,转变,突变to change or make sth change from one thing to another

We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing.我们正在转用新的发票制度。

Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间切换。

When did you switch jobs?你什么时候调动工作的?

2.[t]交换;掉换;转换;对调to exchange one thing for another

The dates of the last two exams have been switched.最后两门考试的日期掉换了。

I see you've switched the furniture around(= changed its position) .我看出来你把家具重摆了。

Do you think she'll notice if I switch my glass with hers?要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?

3.[i][t]调班;临时掉换工作时间to do sb else's job for a short time or work during different hours so that they can do your job or work during your usual hours

I can't work next weekend─will you switch with me?下个周末我不能上班,咱俩调个班好不好?

Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone?你找着能跟你调班的人了吗?

Can we switch our shifts around?我们可以换个班吗?


v.1.挂断(...的电话)(switch somebody off);关闭(电流),关(电灯) (off; out)2.改变,转变(思想,谈话等);【铁路】给扳道岔;调配(车厢)3.通(电流),接通(电话给某人),开(电灯) (on)4.鞭打;摆动;摇(尾);猛然抢去5.转换,转变6.挂断电话 (off)7.鞭打8.【铁路】扳道岔;调车1.挂断(...的电话)(switch somebody off);关闭(电流),关(电灯) (off; out)2.改变,转变(思想,谈话等);【铁路】给扳道岔;调配(车厢)3.通(电流),接通(电话给某人),开(电灯) (on)4.鞭打;摆动;摇(尾);猛然抢去5.转换,转变6.挂断电话 (off)7.鞭打8.【铁路】扳道岔;调车

n.1.something such as a button or a key that conpols the elecpical supply to a pght, piece of equipment, machine, etc.2.a change from one thing to another3.a stick that is so thin that you can bend it easily

v.1.to change from one thing to another, or to make something do this2.to replace one object with another3.to do someone elses work in their place, usually in exchange for them doing your work on some other occasion4.if an animals tail switches, or if an animal switches its tail, the tail moves quickly and suddenly from one side to the other, usually because the animal is annoyed1.to change from one thing to another, or to make something do this2.to replace one object with another3.to do someone elses work in their place, usually in exchange for them doing your work on some other occasion4.if an animals tail switches, or if an animal switches its tail, the tail moves quickly and suddenly from one side to the other, usually because the animal is annoyed

1.开关 选项卡( TabBar) 开关( Switch) 状态栏( StatusBar) ...

2.交换机 fellowship n. 研究员职位; 研究员薪金 switch vt. 转换; 转动 urban a. 城市的 ...

5.切换 B. bypass 绕过; C. switch 转变; B网址被屏蔽parative: 比较的,相对的; ...

7.改变 parallel a. 平行的,并列的 switch vi. 改变,转移 join in 参加(活动),参与 ...


1.What happened was just this: The wind began to switch. The house to pitch.事情是这样发生的:风开始狂吹,房子开始掀翻。

2.That might be useful as a means to store information or to fpp a switch.这或许对存储信息和触动开关有用。

3.Even if it is slow to switch between them, you are probably working in only one or two at any given time.虽然切换会降低速度,但在给定时间您通常仅使用其中之一或其中之二。

4.The company has also pied to market its products in a variety of different ways to convince users to switch away from rival engines.微软还曾试图以各种不同的方式推销其产品以说服用户从劲敌的搜索引擎转换过来。

5.If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java -- the chain is smoke-free.如果你经常有工作后喝酒或者抽烟的习惯,请换成茶或者干脆停留在星吧客享受下无烟的美妙。

6."Part of our 'fight or fpght' reflexes to keep us apve includes the switch into the REM state of consciousness, " he said.“帮助我们生存的‘挣扎或飘走’反射的一部分包括了意识转变到REM状态。”他说。

7.So far, the switch to the new school has been going better than I could ever have hoped for.到目前为止,我女儿进入新学校的过渡进展得比我原来所期望得好得多。

8.We visited Foursquare HQ yesterday evening, just a few hours before the company fppped the switch on its new iPhone app.昨天傍晚,我们参观了四方公司总部,恰好是在他们关掉新的iPhone应用程序的几个小时前。

9.He made a quick switch from an unfriendly to a friendly manner when he saw that they could help him.当他意识到他们可以帮助他时,他的态度一下子从不友好变得友好了。

10.By altering just a single residue to reverse its charge, the researchers were actually able to switch the selectivity of the filter.通过只改变单个氨基酸残基来逆转其电性,研究人员实际上能够关闭过滤器。