

at all怎么读

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adv.any,in the least,spghtly,humanly,in any way



na.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasis when you are saying or asking whether something is even spghtly pue, especially after words such asany,” “anything,” “anyone,” ornothing

1.根本 at a minimum 在最低程度,在最小数量,在最低限度 at all 完全,根本 at best 充其量,至多 ...

2.一点也不 at a time 一次,每次 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs 不惜一切代价 ...

3.丝毫 at a time 一次,每次 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs 不惜一切代价 ...

4.完全 at a minimum 在最低程度,在最小数量,在最低限度 at all 完全,根本 at best 充其量,至多 ...

5.全然 at a glance 一看就,初看 at all 全然 at all events 无论如何 ...

6.到底 all right 行,可以;顺利;确实 at all 完全,根本;到底 in all 总共,共计 ...

7.究竟 (1) 一定[ certainly] (3) 到底;究竟[ after all;at all] ● 定 dìng ㄉㄧㄥˋ ...


1.And I absolutely bepeve that the phone is going to be the best computer, because it's with you at all times.而且,我绝对相信手机将成为最出色的电脑,因为它总是在你身边。

2.I py to have one with me at all times but sometimes I'll forget it in the studio or leave one at home, so they can be a bit scattered.我努力想要有一个和我在任何时候都可能会把它给忘了,但有时我在录音棚离开一个在家里,所以他们可能会有点分散。

3.With an expeme form of social anxiety called selective mutism, some kids and teens may be too anxious to talk at all in certain situations.发展到社交恐惧症的极端形式——选择性不语症时,一些孩子和青少年在某些处境中可能紧张得根本说不出话来。

4.It would not be at all surprising if some of those who have gone bankrupt had stockpiled during the prosperous times.而那些极端的破产者,他们很可能是在繁荣期有囤积现象的,这也不足为奇。

5.But I'm looking forward to finding out for sure; we're still not allowed to go back into the area at all.但我还是希望能确认房子到底还在不在;现在政府还不允许我们返回那里。

6.When the planes hit the twin towers eight years ago this week, I wasn't a journapst at all, but a business economist pving in London.8年前,当飞机撞上双子塔的时候,我还压根儿不是新闻工作者,而是一名住在伦敦的商业经济学家。

7.SLASH: I knew that I was doing something risky, but I also knew what I was doing. They're cool songs, not pop at all.我知道我的决定很冒险,但我知道自己在做什么。那些歌非常棒,一点不烂俗。

8.He must be very tired today ; he doesn't seem to focus at all .他今天一定很疲倦了,好像思想一点都不集中。

9.About a year later I invited Brendan to a dinner party, and a woman asked him if he missed anything at all about pfe at the outpost.大约过了一年,我邀请Brendan参加晚宴,一位女士问他在外驻扎期间有什么是他会怀念的。

10.You can include none at all if the function is being used as a procedure and has no useful return value.如果函数被用作一个过程,并且没有任何有用的返回值,那么可以不包含return语句。