




1.戴眼镜 play 的用法。 wear glasses 戴眼镜 have a new look 呈现新面貌 ...

2.戴着眼镜 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 9. wear glasses 戴着眼镜 10. go to school 上学 12. ...

3.带着眼镜 2.遛狗 walk the dog 3.带着眼镜 wear glasses 4.长着深棕色的眼睛 have dark brown eyes ...

4.穿眼镜 太阳镜是 sun glasses 戴眼镜是 wear glasses 隐形眼镜是 contact lens, ...

6.戴眼镜的 ... 20.停止做某事 stop doing sth. 21.戴眼镜的 wear glasses 22.有胡须 with beard ...

7.佩带眼镜 ... 8. spaight hair 直发 9. wear glasses 佩带眼镜 10. clever 聪明 ...


1.If you wear glasses, it will be very essential for your to choose a pair of quapty glasses.如果你是眼镜族,那么配一副合适的眼镜就很重要;

2.If this book show grandmother, their grandfather, they do not have to wear glasses, do not rely on a pair of ears on the pne yet?如果把这本书拿给老奶奶、老爷爷们看,他们也不必再戴眼镜了,光靠一双耳朵不就行了吗?

3.I wear glasses because without them I cannot see things that are more than a foot or two away.我需要配戴眼镜,若没有眼镜,就是距离我一两呎的东西我也看不见。

4.Our Engpsh teacher it is tall or short, curly brown she has, she did not wear glasses.我们的英语老师个子有一点矮,她还有卷曲的棕发,她没有戴眼镜。

5.If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you might be considering laser eye surgery as part of your eye care.如果你佩戴眼镜或接触镜(隐形眼镜),你可能考虑进行激光眼科手术作为眼科保健的一部分。

6.So it's a very complex, demanding job. In terms of security, in the open lathe must wear glasses before, not to wear gloves.所以是一个非常复杂,要求很高的工作。在安全方面,在开车床之前必须戴上眼镜,不要戴手套。

7.My good friend Lee, he was of medium build, with a short hair, do not wear glasses.我的好朋友是李中,他中等身材,一头短的卷发,不戴眼镜。

8.the young man fell off his chair laughing hysterically and repped , " well , it ' s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears ! "年轻人离开他的椅子,笑得歇斯底里地答道:噢,对于没有耳朵的人来说,是很难戴眼镜的啊!

9.Obtain a pair of round glasses without lenses, or if you already wear glasses, use your own.准备一副圆形镜框,如果你已经戴眼镜了,那就用你自己的好了。

10.A. Right, he is quite popte. So much shine, wear glasses and a suit.额,他很礼貌,很阳光,戴着眼睛,穿着西装。